Satoshi Nakamotos got his statue in Hungary. The status got the hoodie and Bitcoin logo.
Who is Satoshi Nakamotos?
Despite he or she or a group of people created Bitcoin, we don’t know who he or she or group of people were. Many people have claimed themselves are but none has a valid point to evidence to be.
Despite widely debate on who is and who isn’t, Satoshi gradually stepped away from the Bitcoin project until mid-2010 and gave network alert key to Gavin Andersen, transferred several domains to other members, and completely disappeared.
Who closely resembles Satoshi
Hal Finney was an early Bitcoin contributor and the first Bitcoin recipient from creator Satoshi. He continues working Bitcoin project until his death in 2014. Even the co-founder of Ethereum Vitalik Buterin speculated Hal Finney might be the Satoshi. However, there was no hard evidence suggesting that.
Satoshi’s identity is irrelevant
Whoever Satoshi was is not important anymore. The permissionless system invites all participants to join the network and improve the community. As long as you are capable of code, you may contribute to the Bitcoin community and makes it better.
Whoever claimed to be the Satoshi will be criticized hard
The community will grow stronger and harsh to whoever self-claimed to be the Satoshi. The identity will become a threat but not improved of the Bitcoin futures.
In conclusion
We do not need to worship Satoshi and he or she or a group of people is just becoming everyone. We are the Satoshi.