Trial by Comics : Kaiju (Entry 3)

I guess the saying is true; 3rd time's a charm. This is my third entry and my favourite one too, for the Kaiju themed contest by #trialbycomics an initiative of @kommienezuspadt.

KONG 2.1.png

For my final submission, I've decided to go with an aquatic creature and my concept is basically a combo of a tadpole and an anglerfish. I noticed that most Kaiju's are designed along cold-blooded creatures, so that's why all 3 of my submissions are centered around reptiles/invertebrates/fish/amphibians.


You guessed it; I outlined my paper with a pencil just like I would for my other drawings. And no, I didn't use a black paper. I'll show you magic in the final step. HAHA.

LinkedIn Profile Photo.jpg


I traced my pencil lines using a Sharpie. This time, I was more confident in tracing without making rookie mistakes. (I'm still rookie, this is my first day drawing stuff in 5 years.)



Here, you get to see how I detail the whole Kaiju with my Sharpie and a black ball point pen.


KONG 38.png


The original final outcome is black ink on white paper as shown below:
KONG 39.png

And then, I opened the image in Microsoft Paint. Select your canvas by holding Ctrl + A on your keyboard, and then right click on the image. On the menu, choose 'Invert Colour' like a boss for a white on black effect!

KONG 2.1.png

So there you go! I shall call this Kaiju...... The Kedou.

THAT'S THE PROCESS! If you'd like to see my first and second entry, check out the links below:


Thank you #trialbycomics for organizing this Kaiju themed drawing contest! If you guys want to join, just click on the link below for the rules and regulations!

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