Training tip - trail safety supplies

"What have I got in my pockets?"

-Bilbo Baggins

When running in the trails, I like to occasionally take a seat on a rock, and think about a bad injury, and waiting for aid.

I think about how long it would likely take to get help to me.

Also about what kind of time it would take to get me out to help.

With that in mind, I thought I would dump my pockets and share with you what I bring along for survival in my trailrunning escapades.

Yours may be different, but I strongly suggest sitting down mid-trail soon, and thinking about such a wait.


Top row:

spare neckwarmer (red) and gloves

Middle row:

mylar space blanket, snack, home-made bandage kit (including 2m strip of coban)

Bottom row:

spare hat, pepper spray/animal repellant, flask of rum.

This gets a bit bulky in my coat pockets, but isn't really a problem except for looks.

This photo is my last pocket.


Cash, credit card, whistle, housekey and tiny knife/multitool.

Not pictured is the cell phone and gps watch I usually bring.

This kit should change a fair amount with the seasons changing, and you will want to find YOUR perfect kit.

Also, please let me know if you think I'm missing anything.

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