Translation and how we tackle it affects the future scenario of steeemit

It is envisaged at the moment that a huge influx of Chinese-using users to Steemit is inevitable. Language will become an urgent issue to deal with for the development of this community (of course I acknowledge the fact that a lot of non-English languages have been active here and a lot more will come as well). What I think of right now is that I came across many high quality English posts from time to time but if there is no translation (into Chinese), it is expected that a big portion of the future Chinese users won’t be able to read or digest them to a certain degree, which is a great pity and hinders communication and sharing among different groups of people. There have been some translators’ efforts like @benjojo ‘s Translation Services List. But the problem is even if someone does the translation job, it gives rise to the problem of double rewarding (despite that fact that translation should also be rewarded accordingly) or potential plagiarism. It may be partly resolved by the private negotiation between the author and the translator on authorization and profit sharing. But I don’t think that’s a permanent or systematic way to solve this issue. So far I can only raise the question, but no proper solution is on my mind – maybe that’s what @dan and @ned should consider next.

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