Hong Kong Art gallery(6) - Braving Untold Dangers・War Correspondents香港艺术展览(6) - 出生入死・战地记者

How much do you know about War Correspondents? I believe not so much. Because I didn’t know much also. I only knew that they are the journalists in the battlefields. But after visiting the galleries, I found that the influences of War Correspondents to the world can be so great. They are all great people.



The gallery “Braving Untold Dangers・War Correspondents” is in the HK Museum of Coastal Defence. The gallery will end on the 31st of Jan 2018. It introduced the emergence of war correspondents, their equipment and also some great war correspondents in the history.

《出生入死 戰地記者》展覽位於香港的香港海防博物館,展期到2018年1月31日結束。展覽內介紹了戰地記者的起源、裝備,還有數名著名的戰地記者與他們對戰爭,甚至世界格局的影響。

More about HK Museum of Coastal Defence, you may visit: @aaronli/hong-kong-art-gallery-5-the-hong-kong-museum-of-coastal-defence-1-5-1


The emergence of War Correspondents戰地記者的誕生

William Howard, The first War Correspondents

journalists started to cover wars from the battle zone during the Napoleonic Wars in the beginning of 19th century, but most coverage were incomplete. Until 1853, the broke out of the Crimean War, as the war involved Britain, France, Turkey, Russia, etc, it was concerned by the people and countries. The Times, leading news agency at the time, decided to send reporter William Howard Russell to travel with the army and report the latest news of the war.


Roger Fenton, the first photojournalist to record the Crimean War with a Camera

At first, Russell only published the victory of the army. But later he discovered the mistake of the frontline and also the insufficient support of medical. He changed the focus and criticized the army. The news stirred up wide discussion in Britain. Nurse Nightingate organized a rescue group to the front line. The army also adjusted the strategy like the construction of transportation network and enforcement of medical support. I would say Russell was the key point of the Britain’s final victory.


War Correspondents, becoming the tool of nations戰地記者 成為國家的工具

The Leica I (1925), commonly used by journalists during World War II
徠卡 I (1925), 是不少二次世界大戰記者使用的相機

Countries started to realize the importance of media to war, which may manipulate public opinion as a means to gain public support and recruit new soldiers, or to cover up military errors, to suppress criticism about military deployments and to attack enemy’s morale. They started to made effective use of the media. During the two World War, Counties adopted very prudent attitudes towards war reporting, employing stringent censorship and restricting the activities of reporters at the front line, making combat coverage a mouthpiece for propaganda.


With the support of the Japanese government, eye-catching photos related to the war were featured in different journals in Japan

But there were still a lot of great war correspondents willing to report the truth and cruel of wars. Their photos touched the heart of viewers, and even changed the strategy of countries’ policies.


War Correspondents bravely took the photos of Port Arthur Massacre, 1894
記者勇敢拍下「旅順大屠殺」的慘況 (1894)

Nick Ut黃幼公 (1951- )

“The photo changes my life, and also the life of Phan Thi Kim Phuc.”

Nick Ut, born in Vietnam, started his career during 16 years old. He became famous after taking the picture “The Terror of War” in 1972. The picture was awarded the 1973 Pulitzer Prize for Spot News Photography and the Leica Hall of Fame Award 2012.

黃幼公,Nick Ut,越南人,是美聯社著名戰地記者,16歲便參與戰地拍攝工作,他在1972年21歲時拍下《被燒的越南女孩》而為人認識,並獲得1973年的《普立茲新聞攝影獎》及2012年《徠卡名人堂攝影獎》。

“The Terror of War”, which is now the symbol of anti-war. The photo changes the life of Phan Thi Kim Phuc, the yound naked girl in the photo.

Eddie Adams 愛迪・阿當斯 (1933-2004)

“The General Killed the Viet cong; I killed the General with my Camera.”

Eddie Adams began his career as a combat photographer in the Korean War in the 1950s. His photographic works also covered the Vietnam War, the unrest in Haiti and the Gulf War.


“Saigon Execution”. It captured the moment when the bullet went through the head of a Viet Cong prisoner, showing the brutality and violence of war.
《西貢槍決》, 記錄了子彈穿過越共戰俘頭顱的一刻,同時展示了戰爭的殘酷和暴力

His picture “Saigon Execution” in the front line of the Vietnam War earned him the 1969 Pulitzer Prize for Spot News Photography. In 1970, his picture “Boat of No Smiles” caught the attention of people in Western Countries again. It indirectly prompted the US government to amend the immigration policy, allowing some Vietnamese refugees to settle in the US.


“Boat of No Smiles” (1977) , in 4 years after the photos, the US opened its foor to more than 200,000 refugees from Vietnam
《沒有笑容的越南船民》 (1977),之後的4年間,美國接收了二十多萬越南難民

Clara Hollingworth 克萊爾・霍林沃思 (1911-2017)

Doyenne of War Correspondents 戰地記者元老

Clare Hollingworth, borned in Engliand, worked on a programme to help Jewish people residing in Czechoslovakia escape from the Nazis by helping them migrate in her early stage of career. In 1939, she was dispatched to Poland. Less than one week she arrived, she saw hundreds of German tanks and large number of soldiers gathering at the German-Polish border. She relised that the Germans were planning to invade Poland and reported it to The Daily Telegraph. On 29 August, the newspaper published an article with the headline “1000 tanks massed on Polish Frontier”. Hollingworth became fanous as the first journalist to cover the outbreak of World War II.


Media Press of Hollingworth during her 105 years old birthday

2017, Hollingworth passed away in Hong Kong at the age of 105.


蕭乾 (1910-1999)

“Even if I have not discovered anything, at least I have performed the role of a messenger in this important era.”

Xiao Qian, borned in Beijing, was an extraordinary Chinese reporter in modern times. He visited a number of battlefields across war-stricken Europe, including the interior of Britain, and the front line in Germany. He was best known for his World War II writings, including “London under Silver Kites” and “The Views of a Chinese Correspondent on the European Battles of World War II”, creating room for readers to reflect.


王小亭 (1900-1981)

“A Journalist must first be sharp-minded; Secondly, physically fit, and Thirdly, able to leave home at any time.”

Wang Xiaoting assumed the role of director of the photography department of Shanghai newspaper Shun Pao in 1930 and revealed the latest updates on the Japanese move in China. In 1937, he took a picture which shocked commentators in the US: a crying baby sitting on the bombed railroad waiting to be rescued. It resulted in widespread condermnation of the Japanese brutality in the international community. The Japanese put a bounty on Wang’s head because of the picture. Subsequently, Wand fled to HK with the help of a film studio and he continues his work as a photojournalist.


The picture was seen by 136,000,000 readers
這照片曾約有1 憶3千6百萬人觀看

羅伯特・卡帕 (1913-1954)

“If your photographs Aren’t Good Enough, You’re not close enoygh.”

Robert Capa was born in Hungary. He covered the Spanish Civil War in 1936 and took the picture “The Falling Soldier” making him famous in the photography community. Later he took pictures during the China’s War of Resistance against Japan, the European battlefields during WWLL, the first Middle Eastern War and the Indochina War. His most famous work was taken in 1944 when he captured the D-Day landing of allied troops. In 1954, while taking pictures in Vietnam, Capa stepped on a landmine and was killed.


“The Falling Soldier”, which captured a Spanish Republican militiaman being shot and falling

D-Day landing of allied troops

After reading, what do you feel about War Correspondents now? I believe that the existence of War Correspondents is not about Sales or interest, but a mission. This is a mission that they are willing to sacrifice their life to present to us the truth of war, and the cruel of war. They let us know the updates of war, the future of our world, and most importantly, to express the message of anti-war. I wish in the future, there will be one day that no war happens. Even only one day, I will be happy about that.



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