Travel is Good Medicine to Cure Lovelorn|旅行是治疗失恋的良药


That summer, when I was 25, I was in urgent need of the comfort of friends and beautiful scenery after a breakup. At the same time, my close friend wanted to have a carefree travel for the last time before she got prepared for getting pregnant. So we decided to travel to the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, where Guilin’s scenery is peerless in the world and there is beautiful sea sights in the Beihai City.


The scenery of Guilin/桂林山水

People often say that Guilin’s scenery is peerless in the world, it was not until I visited the place that I found it really worthy of the reputation. The locals told us the essence of Guilin landscape lies in Yangshuo County, and we could take a bamboo raft to enjoy the scenery along the Lijiang River, which is the best-known tourist attraction in Guilin.



As told, we took a raft tour of the river and saw magnificent mountains and the bubbling water. Both of us felt relaxed and happy, suddenly, I found that the love couldn’t hurt me any more! Just when we were lost in the great sights, the boatmen began to shoot water at rafts that passed by for fun. Quickly, more and more tourists joined in , we all had a crazy water fight. Finally, I got wet through, however, I didn’t care about my wet clothes, all I felt was excitement.

按照当地人说的,我们乘坐竹筏在漓江上漂流,观赏两岸伟岸的青山以及脚下潺潺流动的河水。只觉轻松快乐 ,突然之间,竟发现自己不再为情所困了。正当我们沉醉在如画美景中时,船夫突然拿起水枪朝过往的竹筏喷起水来,原来是为了大家玩得更开心。很快地,越来越多的游客也加入进来,大家打了一场疯狂的水战。最终,我全身湿透了,但我完全不在意自己湿透的衣服。


Yangshuo West Street阳朔西街


What do you want when you go to Yangshuo West Street? You can hang out without any destination, just feel the casual atmosphere, or you can be a food explorer, searching for delicacies across the country. If you are a shutterbug, the magic combination of streets and mountains will amaze you a lot. And I bet that you won’t want to miss any moment. Besides, if you like bars, you can buy yourself a drink at the bar street, opening a colorful nightlife.


Silver Beach北海银滩


In the south of Guilin lies a beautiful Silver Beach of Beihai. Visitors are attracted here by the silver broad bathing beach, the blue water as well as unique ethnic customs. My friends and I had an unforgettable time on the Silver Beach.Xuwei once said in his song, "Every time I feel upset, I want to have a look at the sea alone." The sea is so broad, so will my mind.


After the one-week travel, I found it magic for me to get quickly healed from my love hurt. At last, I advise that if you feel upset, if you lost your love, then go to TRAVEL!


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