Photos from Tokyo DisneySea, Tokyo Japan (Original Content)

Our final outing in Tokyo was to visit Disney Sea, a Disney theme park on the waters edge located in Chiba South East of Tokyo.

In case you are wondering we chose DisneySea over Disneyland because it's better suited for adults, they serve alcohol and they're open until 10pm.

This is the first thing you see when you enter DisneySea, the globe spins with water fountaining down from above, it's quite pretty.

There are different themes across the park. There is the Mediterranean Harbor, Mysterious Island, Mermaid Lagoon, Arabian Coast, Lost River Delta, Port Discovery and the American Waterfront. The map can be downloaded here if you are interested in viewing the layout.

The Mediterranean Harbor is inspired by Venice. I was in Venice last year and it is indeed very similar.

DisneySea was already preparing for Christmas, I assume Christmas must be a huge celebration in Japan. There was also a special Christmas show on the water.

Looking down on the American Waterfront. I guess this is what it was like to be in New York a hundred years ago.

One of the sets from the ride "Journey to the Center of the Earth". This ride was amazing, I don't want to spoil it for anyone but it is full of surprises :) If you don't think you'll ever get to DisneySea then check it out on YouTube. It is really really cool.

A fortress viewed from Mysterious Island

This is the ride "20,000 Leagues Under the Sea". It's like going underwater in a submarine... though I don't think it really goes underwater. Certainly feels like you're underwater though.

A really cool planetarium in the fortress.

The "Castle of Terror". A huge castle, a bit like a haunted house with a surprise ending where they strap you into a chair and you drop from the top to the bottom :) You can hear people scream from here very far away!

Water feature in front of the castle

More photos from here


Overall I wasn't expecting too much from DisneySea but it turned into a really fun day. An interesting thing about this place is that the main character is "Duffy", a bear that I have never seen before. Must be a Japanese thing. There were a few Mickey's around but Duffy really is the most important character here.

And this concludes our Japan series, we really hope you've enjoyed the photos we have shared! We're back home now and getting ready for some off-road Jeep adventures and some projects around the house. Be sure to follow us if this interests you!

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