WORST travelling experience in my life: How I went from douchebag to scared little bitch (who really thought he was going to jail)

WARNING: This is a story of my worst travelling experience ever and I think it may offend some ladies in the house.

If you don't wish to be offended by me, although you get to see justice served upon me as I become scared as fuck... don't read on I guess.

So it was just slightly over a year ago in Bangkok, Thailand.

I spent five days in Bangkok with my friends over there. 

It was honestly just a trip of single guys partying, letting loose, having fun and hooking up with girls.

And yeah, it was fun.

I opted to stay longer as I thought I could have some alone time where I'd solo it up, meet girls and go back home with an awesome story to brag about.

On my last night there, I found myself in my hotel room, bored, slightly intoxicated and lonely.

I then took to Tinder, the dating app.

I had been chatting with this girl who seemed to be really into me.

She was definitely DTF (down to fuck.)

I scanned her pictures, thought she looked alright and asked her over to my room.

She agreed willingly.

I was excited, like "Yeah! Score!"

About 30 minutes later, she showed up in a cab and I got a rude shock.

She did not look like her pictures at all.

She must put on 10KG or something since those pictures were taken.

Her teeth were horribly crooked and yellow.

Her hair was a lot shorter.

And she showed up drunk and had the hiccups.

I was absolutely turned off.

I am sorry, but if you put up pictures of strategically-angled selfies portraying yourself to be a dolphin when you're actually a whale, it's really downright deceiving.

I didn't want to do anything with her, much less have sex with her.

We ended up chatting in my room for a bit.

Then I came up with some bullshit excuse about how since it was my last night, I wanted to be alone in my room and asked her to leave.

She got pissed.

She stormed out.

I didn't really give a shit.

I went to take a shower.

When I got out, I saw that she left me some text messages.

They read, "Haha good luck with the police and your drugs boy."

I was like, what the fuck?

(Also known as Carbimazole.)

My 'drugs' were actually my thyroid medication left on the nightstand. I have hyperthyroidism, so them packet of white pills were just laying there.

And I panicked on the spot.

Thoughts of the Thai police breaking into my room, arresting me and taking my 'drugs' came into my mind.

I thought I wouldn't be able to catch my flight the following day and I wouldn't be able go back home to see my family for a while.

I was wrought with anxiety.

I went from douchebag to scared little bitch.

I replied her and told her to please not do this to me.

She basically started replying me a bunch of 'LOLs' and said that it wasn't her problem.

I thought I was totally fucked.

I got dressed, ran down to the reception counter and proceeded to explain the entire situation to the guy working there.

He reassured me that nothing would happen, that the police wouldn't care and that they'd need a warrant and all that to break down my door.

I felt relieved, but still scared somewhat.

I stayed up chatting with the receptionist until the sun came up. Oh it was like 4AM by then. 

No police. She was bluffing.

Then I finally went back to bed. 

I got back home to Singapore, safe and sound.

That was that. My worst travelling experience ever.

I asked for it. I definitely asked for it.

But I don't know, what do you guys think?

When I told this story to some of my friends, I got a bunch of different reactions.

A friend told me he'd have done it anyway because he's just a horny bastard.

Another friend agreed with me that it's not cool that some girls put up misleading pictures online. That's called catfishing and he says it should be a crime.

But yeah, everybody laughed at me.

My biggest lesson for myself though? If I really need to scrutinize and think so hard about it... then she's probably not worth it.

And I am not trying to 'redeem' myself by putting forth a life lesson here, but wow man, you must be really hateful and miserable in nature to go to such an extent to want to bring others down.

That feeling of panic and fear I experienced is something I wouldn't even wish on my worst enemy.

So there you go.

Go ahead and laugh all you like. Hope this story got you intrigued anyway.


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