Langly Mill Canal lock and canal.


The Canal lock and canal down in Langly Mill is a left over reminder of the old Industries that used to be around the area where I live. The locks are used to lift or lower boats to different sections of the canal, there are two gates to the lock and the water level within is either raised or lowered depending if the boat is going up or down. It's a water ways version of an elevator in a building. The canal was completed in 1779 and was used mainly for transporting coal. The canal runs for 12 miles and Langly Mill lock is the first of 14 locks on the canal. The canal survived as a comersial canal until 1952. The upper part of the canal was closed off in 1962 but the lower part still runs down to the River Trent and is navigable.
These days the canals are used for pleasure rather than transporting coal.

Canal boats or Narrow Boats that sail on the canals are most often peoples homes and are often painted in bright colours and when there is an open day and fair each year the people will deck out their boats with buntings. Down the side of the canal runs a footpath, or toepath as it is called. In the pre engine days this is the path down which horses would walk dragging the boats along but today they are used by walkers to enjoy the countryside.
While most boats on the canal are the more traditional Narrow Boat some tend to be a bit more fancy.


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