Tarvel with us # 1 : Bruxelles, European capital

This weekend, the little chicken and I went to Brussels.

He already told you about his point of view in this article ๐Ÿ˜‹


Actually, I was born in this city and I spent many years there.

It's funny, we talk about it with @iptrucs the other day, how we can ignore the beauty that is on our doorstep.


Today, I live an hour away. I still go there often for work, family or evenings. But also, for the few times I'm a lazy cook : in Belgium, there are only good quality restaurants in Liรจge and Brussels. I am kiding^^.

The recent trip I shared with you in Italy gave me the idea to go around the UNESO protected site relatively close to my home. So here we go for the Grand Place of Brussels!

Leaving the car park, I had another look at this city. Everything seemed interesting to me. I did not just go to the place of my appointment, as usual.

Brussels, you are beautiful !
Here I am on the side of all those tourists who fascinated me other times!

All that to say that I planned an article on the big square, but it is not what you will read in this post Haha.

One day was not enough for me to go around my beautiful hometown.

So I'll take you to my city from every point of view. Of course, the big square finds its place (mouhaha what rotten humor, I know) in a future post!

We will start not far from the square. Forced, it was the goal of the day, so we parked not far.

Here we are on the steps of the Sainte Gudule cathedral


Unfortunately I can not show you more, because, as you can see on the sign, an antique market was standing under his porch and a shopkeeper (bitter and frowning) forbade me to film / photograph the market.

In itself, for the market, you do not miss anything. By for the cathedral ..

I really like this building. When I was child, we often went in front. We visited it several times even though I have only a vague memory of it.

Today I love it especially for hawks!
There are two cathedrals in Belgium that host hawks' nests.

They have put weather-resistant webcam a long time ago and every year, we get a live broadcast of the birth of the little ones !

I put you two little YouTube links of a few seconds:

Here, the little ones have already few weeks, the mother comes back with food.

I think it's great that they do not hunt birds. Ok, it's dirty, but it's nature! It's so beautiful too.

In fact, in my country, there are more and more churches that accept to host birds like that.

In the mini-town where I currently live now, the churchis home to all the pigeons for a few years. They no longer invade the city: everyone is happy ๐Ÿ˜ƒ And they will feed them once a week so keep them there and do not beg on the streets. (It does not stop this city from being ugly, but it is clean haha โ€‹โ€‹and there are breathtaking natural areas)

If I wanted to show you everything in photos, I would need 10 thousand posts! So I'm going to finish this little article with a little video of the neighborhoods we crossed to reach Sainte Gudule.


Travel with us / Travel with us: Brussels # 1

My video is at DLive

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See, @angelro, try to do a united footer ๐Ÿ˜„ (same message that I use for months on facebook and instagram)

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