The forgotten city of Bucharest, Romania

Not many people have Bucharest in their "to go list". I am here to suggest to add it. =)

If you enjoy "history, good beer, good cheese & good prices" It is your place!

Bucharest it's the largest city in Romania, for me it was on my way to Romania and I had the opportunity to stop by there for 4 days. My final destination was Bratislava. However, I was surprised how much I enjoyed Bucharest. Lots & lots of history, they have been throught a lot....Let me just put it that way!

Downtown now has great night life, small pubs and lots of good kebabs shops!

It seems as a city that people have forgotten about it. But, it is magnificent! Their parliament it's the second largest in the world and it has so much history behind. It seems to me it has a lot of potential and unfortunately it's seems quiet, cold and forgotten.

Here are photos to give you a small glimpse of this beautiful forgotten city:

On the way to the subway...

Graffiti, as I walk around.

Dracula's home

Beautiful -

Always finding a beauty!

And finally favourite -)

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