Travels and Legends Presents: Veneto, Italy and the Legend of the Tooth Fairy and Tooth Mouse

An original tooth fairy leads back to Veneto, Italy.


Fatina was a child of little means. Her mother had died while giving birth to her, so her father did not take kindly to her, instead giving what little they had to Fatinas older brothers and sisters.

Fatina would perform her chores and escape the hunger pains by daydreaming. She created a world of beauty, fun and magic. Fairies and dragons and talking animals who helped her, in an effort to escape from the suffering of her reality.


Fatina escaped to this world often. A perfect world for a little girl, full of sunshine and happiness.

Fatinas life was cut short due to complications from malnourishment and the stress her young body was put through.

Legend tells Fatina’s spirit was so strong it lived on. Her fairy tale world became a refuge for all children to escape, if only in their minds.


But as more and more children discovered this imaginary land of magic and bliss, it became diluted and began to dull from too many imaginations taking more and more.

Fatina could not let this happen. She needed her wondrous land to live on, and she needed the power from an innocent child in order to keep it running. However, she could not sacrifice children!


Baby teeth! She would collect baby teeth to power the land! They held the energy of the inquisitive and imaginative child.
But she could not do this alone. She enlisted the aid of a mouse, Topolino, to help gather the lost teeth of the children. Being generous souls, they leave a coin under the pillow in exchange.


Fatina and Topolino became Fatina dei denti and Topolino dei denti- "of the teeth"

Many Italian children place their fallen teeth in a special box to make it easier for Topolino.


To this day the legend of Fatina and Topolino live on, and have been retold and changed with every culture they visited.

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