Treasure of the North -- Kapurpurawan Rock Formation

Few years ago, my friends and I decided to travel up north to see the wonders of Ilocos. As I was browsing through our old pictures and planning on how to tell you our adventures, I realized that one blog post is not enough to tell you about it. So in the next few days, I will only be posting about our Ilocos adventure. This will be the first post about it.

You might think we're crazy to drive 10 hours just to see these sites. But after many years, looking at these pictures I'd say that it was worth the effort and there is no doubt that I will do it again very soon.

Visting Kapurpurawan Rock Formation is one of my favorite part of the trip. The rocks are actually limestone formation that is crafted by nature. Kapurpurawan came from the Ilocos word "puraw" which means white. Obviously they named it Kapurpurawan because the rocks are creamy white like milk.




We were still allowed to play at the rock formations back then but I've recently heard that this is now discouraged since the formations were damaged by a typhoon and is now very fragile. I'm not 100% sure about this information though.



The formation is fronting the Bangui Bay, the rock formation helps the bay create magnificent waves. Combining them together makes the place magical. By the way, that picture below proves that I am the real Moana.


I am wishing that the rock formation lasts forever so that the future generation gets to see what magic the forces of nature can do.




If you have made it this far, thank you. :)

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