Travel with me #666: Visiting The Major Death & De-Cays and taking a swim with the pigs!!

Dear Steemit friends :


For me, travelling to Hell is as much about torture in places like The Slough Of Despire as it is about swimming naked in the boiling molten rivers of the endless River Of Souls and visiting the unique insanity driven rabbit wildlife on the many torture islands of The Netherworld.


In my previous post about The Bermuda Triangle, we had the opportunity to actually come back. Not, of course, after experiencing some of the worst horrors on the face of the earth. That was very exciting for me. I'm glad I was able to share this unique opportunity with all of you.

With feeling the most extreme terror at one of the gates to hell at the Bermuda Triangle under the belt, I decided to visit perhaps the flagship 'attraction' of the Underworld, which is now famously known as The Pit Of Death.


Just 94 hours on a flee ridden continuously sinking boat from Torture Island #3754 (or was it #13275) takes us a little further along the strip of islands collectively known as Exhume Cays to this rather mysterious place called Major Death & De-Cays - nowadays known as Death Pit Beach.

Death Pit Beach

The island is an uninhabited cay which is populated by two million feral pigs which survive by foraging for humans that visit the island, and then come out to the beach to drag them to their death and kill each other over whom will get to eat.

The Mystery of the Death Pigs

It is unclear as to how the pigs ended up on this island, but the locals like to tell the story of how the pigs swam ashore from the bowels of Hell and survived by eating each other until the first human tourists arrived.

Two local cannibals , Ted Bundy and Luis Garavito claimed to have brought the pigs to this island in the 90's to start a illegal pig prostitution ring for fear of the Y2K computer meltdown.

Either way, the pigs have become some what a legend to tourists and have brought a lot of interest to the Major Death & De-Cays as well as an opportunity for visitors to get disemboweled several times over with pigs swimming in the sea!


I was lucky to visit on a perfect night, the June 1st to June 5th period is considered the Death By Hurricane season and it was June 3rd so the pigs were extra hungry.

The dark and gloomy grey sky is only rivaled by the glistening blood red waters of the sea. An absolutely stunning view.


As we approached the infamous beach, I could already see several of the larger pigs eating other visitors. They were much larger than I expected. In the flyers I saw back at home, I thought the pigs would be deadly little piglets.


The three biggest pigs are the ones with the large jagged spikes on their backs. They are completely unafraid of visitors and will even swim out to eat you, snorting as they wait for you to feed them...


Seeing pig's nearly twice the size of myself, I decided to shoot up several cases of adrenaline before I go ahead and greet them closer up.


Feeding the pigs your limbs is a great way to get them to interact with you. It's important and respectful to feed them large chunks of your flesh, so avoid things like your nose, ears, "hot dog" and fingers.

Earlier this year, half a dozen pigs were found dead from starvation, initial reports cited tourists feeding the pigs testicals as the cause of death, but autopsy reports later showed that their stomachs were full of toe nails.

So, best stick to feeding them your larger more vital organs, and in the water!


Once in the water, I was quickly greeted by one of the smaller scavenger ones. Although smaller than the huge spiked hogs, it was still pretty hungry!


Looking around, I really couldn't find any pigs small enough to hold.

With a dash of luck, I heard a really loud oink from further down the beach and noticed one of the smallest ones decapitating a fellow overweight tourist.

I decided to go over and see if the little piggy would let me hold the head as it feasted on the now limp tourist body.

Success! The little piggy was actually still pretty big, thanks to the other tourist I was able to get a close up look!

It was very well behaved though and seemed to enjoy the other tourist for his pure size kept it distracted for some time.


And just like that, I had my first ever death defying experience interacting with pigs, and moreover pigs eating all the other tourists whilst swimming in the sea!

I can now tick off Swimming with Pigs on my list of things to do before I die.

Hope you enjoyed my post, remember to up-vote if you liked it, follow me to keep updated with my activities, and leave a comment of what you think!


對於我來說,旅行到地獄就像** The Steugh of Despire 這樣的地方酷刑,就像在無盡的 River Of Souls 的沸騰的河流中裸體游泳一樣,參觀獨特的瘋狂驅動的兔子野生動物在 The Netherworld **的許多折磨島嶼上。

在我之前關於 百慕大三角形 的文章中,我們有機會真正回來。當然,經歷了地球上最糟糕的一些恐怖事件,當然不是。這對我來說非常刺激。我很高興能夠與大家分享這個獨特的機會。

百慕大三角洲的一個大門上感受到最極端的恐怖,我決定參觀地下的旗艦“吸引力”,現在著名的是“The Pit Of死亡**。

在酷刑島#3754 (或者是#13275 )中,一班逃離連續沉沒的船隻停留94個小時,沿著島嶼集合稱為* Exhume 對這個相當神秘的地方,稱為“死亡與死神” - 現在被稱為死亡坑海灘***




兩名本地食人族, Ted Bundy 路易斯·加拉維托 在90年代宣稱將這隻豬帶到這個島嶼,因為害怕Y2K電腦崩潰而開始了一個非法的豬肉賣淫戒指。



















FYI: This Post is of a Satirical Nature
The sole Inspiration for this post can be found here. (google Translated) If Someone wants to properly translate this post please contact me on ;)

Remember To Vote blueorgy for witness!

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