Trip on Villa della Regina (Turin, Italy)

Today is All Saints' day, there is a one-day-holiday in Italy. My wife and me decide to go for a trip. We choose Villa della Regina, a World Cultural Heritage in suburb of Turin. "Villa della Regina" means “Queen's villa”. It was firstly built for Maurizio of Savoy during the reign of his brother Victor Amadeus I. Many years after that, when the villa was passed to Anne Marie d'Orléans, the wife of Victor Amadeus II of Sardinia, it was then known as Villa della Regina. During 1990s', Villa della Regina was given to the State domain and open to public.

Villa della Regina is about 40 minutes bus from my apartment. Since it is located in suburb, the surrounding environment is very quiet. During Autumn days, almost all the grounds are covered by colourful leaves. It really looks amazing.

This photo is taken by @breathewind

After about 10 minutes' walks from the bus stop "Villa Regina Ovest", we arrive at the main entrance of Villa della Regina. After purchasing tickets(5 euro/person) on the ground floor, we start our visit. All the rooms opened to public are on the first floor. The villa is divided into two symmetrical parts by a hall in the middle. The frescoes of this hall are very beautiful, not only pure paintings, but also three-dimensional wall decoration paintings by use of perspective.

These photos are taken by @breathewind

The three-dimensional wall decoration paintings are worth to be mentioned in particular. As the indoor murals of many European architecture, the three-dimensional wall painting here are very superb. I realise that the limners who drew these paintings will never imagine people will invent a device called "camera" in the future and people are not able to distinguish differences between their superb paintings and the real wall decoration in the photos taken by camera. Now, you can have a look on the following two photos and try to point out which one is real between the pillar in the first photo and the candlestick in the second photo.

These photos are taken by @breathewind

The answer is that the pillar in the first picture is three-dimensional paintings (only the candlesticks on the pillar are real), and the candlestick in the second picture is real, hanging on the easel. It seems that not only the skill of the limners is excellent, but also the staff of the museum are particularly fond of playing with illusion and reality.

There is another very interesting place — the Chinese room in Villa della Regina, in which exhibits a large number of Chinese-related art-wares. The most famous one is the precious Chinese cabinets in lacquer and golden wood. It is a fantastic work also from the perspective of Chinese people as me. I especially like those paintings painted on the roof and the cabinets. Although they are slightly immature, while the feeling of China has been caught, very cute.

These photos are taken by @breathewind

Villa della Regina consists of the villa and the garden. For the exhibition within the villa, if the viewing is relatively fast, in about 20 minutes you will be able to view all the rooms within the villa. My wife and me are fanciers of history, we spend about 1 hour inside the villa.

There is a large garden with some simple sculptures behind the villa. Perhaps by the reason of holiday, there are only few visitors in the garden today. We enjoy the quietness very much. Walking on the road full-filled by fallen leaves with such a warm sunshine, I can not help to produce a sense of time and space staggered. Imagine that hundreds of years ago in a similar autumn afternoon, someone was walking in the same garden. I really wonder what they felt and what they were thinking about at that time.

These photos are taken by @breathewind

There is a platform in the highest place of the garden. Over there, I am able to watch the panorama of Turin. Due to the recent mountain fires, Turin's visibility is not very good. Unfortunately, by this reason, I am not able to take a perfect photo on panorama of Turin. Anyway, Villa della Regina is not very far away from my apartment, I realize that there are opportunities to visit again in the further.

These photos are taken by @breathewind

Summarizing the trip on Villa della Regina, for me, the visit experience is very good. The exhibition is perfect, although the exhibits are not extremely precious. The scenery of the garden is very beautiful. Different from the crowding in Schönbrunn and Popoli garden, I do enjoy the quietness in Villa della Regina. The visiting gives me a very comfortable feeling. I will visit there again in the future.

On my way home, I find Piazza Vittorio Veneto is decorated as in a fairy tale by the reason of holiday. I take some pictures and share them to you.

These photos are taken by @breathewind

2017 Nov 1

All the texts and photos above are published by Steemit author @breathewind.

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