Goodbye for now Lake Atitlan

After months of waiting... weeks of packing and preparing... the family is finally in motion. Watch out world here we come. We love our home here at Lake Atitlan. This 84 mile around lake and its pet volcanoes has treated us well for many years.
We love it, but must leave it. Atleast for a time.
I snapped this quick last photo of the hostal from the boat as we left. Today was the Christmas Market all day... but we only saw it from this distance.


The road is still closed so we had to lug our luggage to the other side of the lake to catch our shuttle.
Here are the kiddos, ready for a 5 month journey. The best part about taking the time to do this trip... is having more time with these fun loving nuggets... they are wildlings... now we got nothing but time to be wild together.

Here the big man is protecting our luggage. Mom did the packing.... damn thats a lot of luggage to lug mom. I say this here... because she doesn't read every post and if I said it out loud... I'd get an angry earful.

As it is Guatemala.... our shuttle never actually arrived to pick us up. Not a fun start... as the kids get car sick they both popped a Dramamine for the windy we had 2 drugged kids in the blazing midday sun... and a host of excuses from the shuttle company.
Nice, gotta love it or you would die from frustration.
2 hours later and some subtle and not so subtle threats. A car finally arrived to take us to our hotel in Guatemala City.
Here we are... tired and ready for bed.
The kiddos are excited to wake up and go swimming in the morning... our flight leaves at 3.. so we have some leisure time to enjoy before our long day and night of travel to the U.K.
Goodbye lake Atitlan... goodbye Guatemala... you will be missed....

original writing and photography

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