A trip to Arxan - big feet hump Tianchi and Turtle Rock ! 阿尔山之旅— 大脚丫驼峰天池和龟背岩 !

After visiting the beautiful cockoo lake, our next stop is the hump Tianchi and turtle rock. The hump Tianchi is named after watching from the far peak just like the camel, which is an important part of Arxan national Forest Park.


The Tianchi Lake is a high lake formed after the volcanic eruption. The surface of the water is 1284 meters above sea level. The shape of the lake is very similar to the left foot of the man. I call it the big foot tianchi. East and West, about 450 meters wide, about 800 meters north and south, it is estimated to be formed 300 thousand years ago.


The road leading to Tianchi is paved with stone steps, and there is a slow step on several steps. The old and the children can climb up the hump Tianchi and enjoy the beautiful hump tianchi lake . Along the steps up, surrounded by a wealth of vegetation, people feel relaxed, completely forgot the hard work of climbing!

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These are very precious Chosenia and larch trees. they all have the brands with logo. You can also see the beautiful flowers ! Smell the scent all the way !






When you climb the viewing platform on the top of the mountain, you suddenly feel how wide and bright it is! Between the blue sky and white clouds, green mountains and rivers, to experience the kind of quiet lake which brought you quiet and spiritual purification. Language is too pale to describe it . The scene should only be in the sky not in the human world !

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It just like a giant left his left footprint on the top of the mountains, which were magnificent and verdant. This picture is not taken by me . I just take it from Baidu and let you see the lake clearly .

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Picture source : Baidu

Up to now , there are several mysterious about Tianchi: First is the long drought does not dry up, the rain does not overflow, the water level isn’t rising up or down; Second no river can get into the lake and no water can flow out . Third the pool was very clean but no fish in it. The fourth one is nobody really knows how deep it is !

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Next we came to the turtle rock. The turtle rock geological structure is very rare in China, It is called by experts "national treasure"in the volcano. Turtle Rock is encrusting lava flows, and the formation of different direction of mesh cracks due to the cooling shrinkage of volcano lava flow case, then there are many lava filled fracture, the formation of the lava flow was irregular polygon. Because of this kind of multilateral shaped like a turtle, so called "lava turtle structure", also called "turtle rock".


Turtle Rock looks iron gray, not good-looking, but very spectacular. Walk on the turtle rock side, you will feel a turtle group came to the deep forest floating on the hot spring. Let people feel the strong power of nature.



Thanks for reading and hope you like it !

游完美丽的杜鹃湖,我们的下一站便是驼峰天池和龟背岩。驼峰岭天池因远远看去像一峰俯卧的骆驼而得名,是阿尔山国家森林公园重要组成部分。驼峰岭天池是火山喷发后火山口积水而形成的高位湖泊。水面海拔1284米,水面的形状很像人的左脚,我叫它大脚丫天池。东西宽约450 米,南北长约800 米,估计形成于30万年前。








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