You are in the south China ?一池春水赛江南


It is said that the scenery of Jiangnan is beautiful, but who knows there is also a place like Jiangnan Style, that is the lotus in Yingge garden. We went along the mountain road , talking and laughing , sometimes we can’t help taking photos of the nice scenery.



Suddenly, we came to a small lake, the weeping willow, the lotus leaves floating on the lake, the house in the distant is so beautiful . as if we came to the south of the river.



This is a lotus garden here, it must be beautiful in summer, you can even hear the sounds of the frogs. There are so many fishes swimming here and there . when I wanted to pick up one fish , it ran away quickly , how lovely the fish is ! By the way , I took a seedpod of the lotus by hand. Is it very nice ? it should be the old one in the last year.




The reed in the lake is swaying around the wind, and the wind seems to be bigger today. But the reed in the wind adds another flavor. The small pavilion in the distance looks so wonderful , the flowers are smiling at the edge of the lake and the willows on the shore let me take the photos of them .


what a pity , I am not a painter . If I am a painter, I can draw it in my picture album. Now I can only lift the mobile phone in my hand and keep these beautiful moments in my memory .



Although it has passed February, but I still remember the poem written by He zhizhang from Tang dynasty . His poem described the willows in spring and the coming of the spring .


Ok , my introductions about the lotus pool will stop here and wish you pay attention to my next post . See you and good day , my dear friends !

都说江南的风光秀美,景色怡人,可谁又想到,在东北也有个地方不是江南,赛似江南呢?在英歌石植物园, 我们尽情的happy, 沿着山路往前走,一路花色撩人, 不停的拍照。忽然间,来到了一个小湖边,垂柳依依,莲叶漂浮,远处芦苇随风飘荡,让人心驰神往,就好像恍惚间来到了江南水乡。

原来这里是荷花园,想必夏天的时候, 这里一定是荷叶连连,满池的荷花让人赞叹,因为你瞧,现在河面上就漂浮着莲叶,水里面,有很多的小鱼游来游去,成群结队,自由自在,我刚蹲下身,想捞条小鱼, 没想到,小鱼那么精,还没靠近,就已经跑个精光。那就顺手捞起一个莲蓬吧,这应该是去年的莲蓬,轻轻的漂在河面上,瞧,捞一个, 也不错哦!

湖里的芦苇在风的吹佛下,左右摇摆,今天的风似乎大了些,但风中的芦苇更增添了另一种韵味。远处的小亭子,湖边的小花,岸边的垂柳, 这一切构成了一幅天然的水墨画,我要是画家就好了, 可以把这个印在我的画册里,现在也只能举起手中的手机,留下这些精美的瞬间。

杨柳吐绿,虽然已经过了二月,但还是觉得那首贺知章的咏柳“碧玉妆成一树高,万条垂下绿丝绦… …”再合适不过了。过了荷花池, 前面就是樱花园,我心中的十里桃林了,桃林啥样?哈哈,下回分解哦!

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