Fireworks Festival in Yatsushiro Japan


October 21, 2017 there was a FIREWORKS COMPETITION in KOMAMOTO JAPAN.
The event was composed of 10 participants from different cities in Japan.
Two days before the event there was news that there will be a typhoon that’s coming to Japan so therefore the Fireworks competition is not sure if it is possible to happen or not.
A day before the event I kept getting updates until around 7 pm when it was announced that the fireworks festival will be possible to happen but they required the viewers to bring umbrellas because it will be raining.
The day has come. I went to Fokuoka bus station to start the day going to the event place.
From Foukuka by bus it is 1 hour and 30 minutes to YATSUSHIRO KOMAMOTO.
The cost is 5,500 pesos each including the bus fare, 1 meal and entrance fee to the event. The Fireworks competition festival composed of 10 participants from 10 different cities.




Selfie on the bus and with food we got from our tour package.



This is the place where the events for the fireworks competition will be held.




Before the Fireworks event start I keep on taking pictures on the area before it getting darker but it is very cold and crowded so I did not get much time to take more photo.

The place for the event selling food for the viewers

I choose to share this video because of the creativity and effect that suits to the upcoming Halloween.. And it was really amazing when I saw this one coz it's my first to see this kind of effect and it shows how Japanese people are talented in terms of technology.




These are some of the fantastic photo in the fireworks festival.


The event last for 1 hour and I can say is really awesome and fantastic show that I witnessed..
It was really cold because it is autumn season and at the same time it's raining but I really enjoyed to be one of the viewers.
And I really don't mind the rain and mud....Hahaha, but after the show I realized how bad my shoes is, it was to dirty and little wet.

Before I end my post allow me to say thank you guys for crapping here and spending reading and viewed my post.
I hope you like it and I hope you gonna keep on following my blog... GOD BLESS YOU GUYS.

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