[Travel ling] 人間煉獄—達豪集中營 The Hell on Earth: The Dachau Concentration Camp - (中文/ENG)


The term ‘Concentration Camp’ tends to recall our memories related to the dark history of Germany. Since Nazi Germany established the first concentration camp, our history has recorded the undisguised side of inhumanness of human beings. The barracks being confined in, surrounding electrified barbed wire fences and water-filled ditches, and gas chamber the silent killer, shape a part of the overall picture of prisoner life. Having the chance to go to Germany, we decided to visit the historical heritage and understand the past.


The Dachau Concentration Camp was the first of the Nazi concentration camps established in 1933, being the only camp that had undergone Nazi Germany’s ruling for 12 years (1933-1945). In other words, its rise and fall represents that of Hitler, the leader of the Nazi Party. The camp was regarded as a sample for building other concentration camps accordingly. At first, mainly political opponents were imprisoned in Dachau, but since the second year, Jews, the homosexuals and prisoners of war were also jailed. The camp was designed to accommodate 6 thousands prisoners, but it turned out to be 70 thousands as recorded in 1945.


Took bus 726 at Dachau Bahnhof and arrived the camp in 10 mins. Rented an audio guide, though information on display boards was sufficient enough to have basic understandings about the history of the camp.

很快就抵達集中營的正門,大門刻上納粹標語「Arbeit Macht Frei」,意指「勞動帶來自由」。納粹黨自以為的幽默,卻彰顯了他們暴戾恣睢的劣性,這句話曾經欺騙和俘虜了多少弱小心靈?

Soon came to the entrance gate of the camp. There was a Nazi slogan - Arbeit Macht Frei - on it, meaning ‘work sets you free’. While the Nazi Party thought it was humorous, they implicitly highlighted their nature of brutality and despotism. How many innocent souls had been fooled and captured by the slogan?


An incomplete rail track was left at the front of the gate. It’s known that at first prisoners just walked into the camp, but sooner than later the Nazi Schutzstaffel (SS) decided to construct a railway from the rail station, so that they could unload the ‘freight-like’ prisoners at the gate…...


The first view that caught our eyes after entering was the roll call ground. The prisoners had to assemble here every morning and evening for roll call, even in extremely hot and freezing weather conditions. Weak and sick prisoners usually collapsed during roll call. Cold-blooded were the SS, they disallowed the fellow prisoners to help them…...


Next stop was the barracks. There were a total of 32 barracks in the camp, 2 of them were left and reconstructed. A barracks building was planned to accommodate 200 prisoners, but can you guess how many prisoners were found in a barracks building during the peak time? The answer is 1700 prisoners!! Extremely unbelievable! In the first building, a wooden plank was put to divide every bed, but in the second one, they were all removed, just to jam in as many persons as possible! 


Curious as I do about how it could be possible? ‘It’s not a problem, when you weight less than 35 kg...’ Prisoners mostly suffered from malnutrition. Resources were scarce. They could hardly have 2 meals a day, not to mention they worked as a slave everyday. Everyone had gotten used to seeing corpses in striped uniforms…...


These are the washroom and water fountain, simple and crude as you can see, no privacy at all. Heard that the SS commonly beat prisoners up during their baths…...


Electrified barbed wire fences and water-filled ditches surrounded the camp to prevent prisoners from escaping. At the same time, it functioned as a suicidal tool to prisoners. To what extent had they been abused and tormented to prefer death to survival? Death apparently, is their salvation here.

眼前看到的是生還的政治犯Nandor Glid 的作品。深青銅製造的扭曲人型雕塑品,象徵受飢餓、疾病煎熬而死的囚犯,瀰漫著哀傷的情緒。集中營是自由與尊嚴的墳墓。

What you are seeing is the work of Nandor Glid, a political opponent survivor. Made of dark bronze, the distorted man-like sculpture symbolizes the emaciated bodies of the prisoners who died of starvation and disease in the camp, being pervaded by a sense of grief. The concentration camp is a graveyard of freedom and dignity.


Here came the most overwhelming place - the gas chamber. Previously I watched the film ‘The Boy in the Striped Pajamas’. On the theme of Nazi’s massacre of Jews during WWII, it features the scene of which the Jews were killed by the gas chamber, in an extraordinarily calm and soft manner, creating a sense of terror that have left a remarkable impression in my mind.


A burst of pressure hit me so hard after entering the chamber, as if I time traveled to this day in history, being crammed into this ‘shower room’ and misled by the SS to disrobe and ‘take a shower’. It just took 10 to 20 mins to stripe the lives of 150 prisoners all at one time silently unknowingly......But it’s said that the engineer who constructed this chamber secretly hid the gas holes, whenever the SS used them, they could not manage to make it, therefore no one died here. The engineer’s moral attitude should be honoured!


Heard that the corpses to be incinerated had been jammed in this room and laid outside higgledy-piggledy. Quite chilling to imagine…...


The crematorium was in full use to incinerate all dead prisoners, each of the incinerator could cremate 2 to 3 corpses at one time. In the late stage, there had been a shortage of coal due to the escalating number of dead bodies!


In remembrance of the deceased victims, the Protestant, Catholic and Jewish Memorials were established, to express our heartfelt condolences on their death.


In 1945, WWll ended, whereas the tragedies happened in the camp of Dachau also came to a halt. The American troops liberated the camp. When they witnessed a transport of prisoners by rail just arrived the camp, they found that all the prisoners had no clothes, food or shelters and therefore had become nothing more than skin and bone. They also saw countless dead bodies being stacked up at the gate. Raged against the outrageous acts of the SS, the American troops executed all the SS in the camp. On 29 April, all prisoners eventually embraced freedom.


We tend to term beautiful places as ‘heavens on Earth’, but hardly can we believe that some of us would create and construct ‘hells on Earth’! In the song ‘He Raised His Hand To Make A Roll Call’ written by Sodagreen, the Taiwanese pop band, a line of the lyrics says, ‘The indignation comes not from suffering, but from a lack of reason!’. This is the voice of the prisoners. In the camp, identity is one’s original sin.


The monument being engraved with ‘Never Again’, indicates that people acknowledge the past and reflect in sorrow.


Nevertheless, while we consider that our society has been increasingly civilized, without the presence of concentration camps as political products, and has glorified peace, freedom and democracy, there are a considerable number of political regimes, including democratic ones, that has oppressed and persecuted their people. Human rights are being trampled on while dignity is being deprived of. Here and now, there are still right activists being imprisoned, refugees being threatened by wars, homosexuals being cursed and gypsies being repelled and leading a vagrant life. All of them, are being crammed in invisible concentration camps.


Vladimir Lenin once said, ‘Forgetting the past means betrayal’. I highly appreciate Germany for bravely showing us their scars of the dark history, such courage originates from the beauty of self reflection. It also explains why I love Germany. Never should our history be forgotten. History may not repeat itself in the same form. We should keep a vigilant eye on the results led by the values upholded in different times. Perhaps, ingrain the teachings of the history in mind, repent the past and rectify the mistakes, and embrace peace and freedom, serve to be the best confession to the deceased souls, as well as the best promise to our future generation.


蘇打綠「他舉起右手點名」歌詞 (中、英 & 德) Sodagreen ‘He Raised His Hand To Make A Roll Call’ Lyrics (Chinese, English & Deutsch) http://peifen1011.pixnet.net/blog/post/439538278-%E3%80%90%E6%AD%8C%E8%A9%9E%E3%80%91%E8%98%87%E6%89%93%E7%B6%A0%E3%80%8A%E5%86%AC%E3%80%80%E6%9C%AA%E4%BA%86%E3%80%8B%E3%80%88%E4%BB%96%E8%88%89%E8%B5%B7%E5%8F%B3%E6%89%8B%E9%BB%9E

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