7 World’s Continents Photo Challenge – African Wednesday week #10 – winner announcement!

Hello fellow steemians!

It is my great pleasure to announce the winner of 7 World’s Continents Photo Challenge - African Wednesday. I would like to say huge thank you to all the participants for their great entries. Even though we initially had a very slow start with only 1 submission we managed to pick few more entries later on. The advantage of not having too many entries is the higher upvote for the submitted images.

You can see all entries and participants at this post: 7 World’s Continents Photo Challenge - African Wednesday week #10- the absolute winner takes 150 SBD!

Please give a huge shout out to the participants taking part in the challenge for sharing their photos and experience with all of us here on steemit:

@schmidthappens @extremejogging @aurumv @ellaironheart @exposez @prabaltalukder

It would be great if you can visit their blogs and give them some of your love:)....

However, the winner is only one and that is for me picture posted by @aurumv with the following entry:

For the wednesday Afrika I want to show one of my travelings photos in Morocco, in Sahara. That was four hours trip, riding on a camel's, to oasis hidden in the dunes. Who has not been in the dunes, deep in a desert, I rekomend it very much. In the first view there is nothing special, but later you fall in love with colorful landscape and the power of the clear sand. Sunsets are just magical and stars at night are tempting to fly in to the sky.


I have visited @aurumv blog and upvoted post called: Autumn in Tatra Mountains. Kindly do the same if you can. @aurumv great picture from Moroco is qualifying for a weekly challenge that will be competing against entries that will be coming over the period of next 3 days and the winners of previous 3 days:

7 World’s Continents Photo Challenge - Asian Sunday week #10 - winner announcement!

@aurumv Asian Sunday entry:

The photo is taken during trekking in Ladakh region in Himalayas. Those nice carved stones are written prayers. Everyone seen colorful flags in Himalaya those are also prayers. But flags are temporal... short life. So if you want the God to find you pray, you have to make it long lasting. Stone is the best material for this.
Try to imagine the difficulty of making this and even more how hard it was to deliver high to the mountains. It was found in about 4500m height.


7 World’s Continents Photo Challenge – Australian Monday week #10 – winner announcement!

@jon24jon24 Australian Monday entry:

Enigmatic Queensland

As my sister and I went on with our roadtrip across Queensland, I always had the thought of how different Australia is. I have always thought of the country to be empty and just hot weather. Oh boy, was I wrong. The weather was not even hot in this part of Australia. We would wake up early in the cold morning chasing sunrise. Coming from a tropical weathee background, I was not use to the weather below 10 degree celcius. Here is one of those days that the fog was taking over the landscape.


7 World’s Continents Photo Challenge – Tuesday of Antarctica and the world’s oceans week #10 – winner announcement!

@bluebottlefilms Tuesday of Antarctica and the world’s oceans entry:

This photo was taken on the Antarctic Peninsula on a recent trip to Antarctica. At the end of summer, the area is home to hundreds of whales that feed on krill, fattening themselves up before their long migration north.


The winner of the weekly challenge will be selected by you based on the dollar value of the individual daily winner announcement posts and then entered to a mothly and possibly yearly challenge on the way to win the price of 150 SBD in total. You can give @aurumv your support by upvoting this winner announcement post.

My next challenge is coming shortly: European Thursday. Get your pictures ready:)....

For more information about the 7 World’s Continents Photo Challenge and conditions see my original post: 7 World’s Continents Photo Challenge – chance to win 150 SBD - 7大洲照片挑戰——贏取150 SBD的機會!

Please feel free to check out some of my other recent posts.

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CEO & Founder of CGH


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