Why it pays to travel

Hello guys,

Here is another amazing video I would like to share with you made by Global Degree. Those guys are putting together some really amazing stuff. Watch this short YouTube video and get inspired. Personally, I cannot say anything but to agree 100%. Even though I am far from any of those guys mentioned in the video, everything I know and everything I have accomplished in life is thanks to travel. I left home at the age of 18 going to England to study English and leaving after four years with a degree in Busines Management. If it wasn't for that I would have never got involved in working on the cruise ships that made me more than descent income from which I was able to invest but most of all I made a lot of connections with people from all around the world. If it wasn't for all this I would not be able to buy my first bitcoins in 2015 and if it wasn't for bitcoin I would not be here on steemit at the early stages of its development. I do not know where the life will take me in the next 5 years but I feel pretty confident that hard work, dedication and big dreams will take me beyond my wildest expectations. Go and travel and you will find something that will pay you back in the years to come. I am wishing all of you the best of luck.

Please feel free to check out some of my other recent posts.

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