Mismatched Travel Diaries - Tasmania - Part 5 - The Peacocks of Cataract Gorge

Just outside of Launceston is a picturesque gem, tucked away behind cliffs and hills. Cataract Gorge is a great place to spend the afternoon wandering by the water. It is one of those places that makes you forget that a city is so close.


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The first thing you notice when you arrive are the peacocks. They wander freely and they pretty much ignore you unless you get too close.


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I actually only have two photos of the gorge itself because we arrived just after the sun had gone down behind the hills, and it was a little dark for landscapes, and I had also wasted the little light we had following the peacocks around.


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Their feathers have a hypnotic effect, especially when you are staring them straight on.


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This peacock is regal in the way it stands, with its plumage relaxed and lowered like a dress. Its chest puffed out slightly, standing perfectly still, except for its head as it scans the field presumably for food, or maybe to check I wasn't getting too close!


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I don't think it cared about being the subject of a photoshoot. I guess it knew I would be gone soon enough.


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So we kept wandering around the gorge, until it got too dark for us.


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I enjoyed the bridge over the gorge itself, but meg took offense to the swaying... which I caused by jumping up and down in the middle in a rather immature fashion. Immature, but fun.


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But by then we were starving and had to go sample the seafood that everyone had been telling us about all day.


If you want to read more about Tasmania and its inhabitants, check out my previous posts below, and feel free to subscribe to My Blog.

Mismatched Travel Diaries - Tasmania - Part 4 - Lavender Farms of Launceston.
Mismatched Travel Diaries - Tasmania - Part 3 - The Wombat.
Mismatched Travel Diaries - Tasmania - Part 2 - The Tassie Devil.

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