i♥Travel - Sulfur Springs and Waterfalls at Mambukal Resort

“A little piece of everywhere I go becomes a big part of everything I do.” ― Richie Norton

Hello my Steemit Fretz!

Welcome to my Travel Blog Series! This is a collection of my travels & adventure photos and stories that I have kept throughout the years. Some are old school and some are current but they are wonderful memories nonetheless.

This time this is about my trip to the City of Smiles, Bacolod. You can find my first post about this place HERE.

The hotel at night

After our arrival we immediately checked in to our hotel, GoHotels Bacolod. We got a huge bargain by booking early and the rooms are just as fancy. Love it! Unfortunately, I didn’t have any pics on our stay there.

After checking in, it’s time to go to Mambukal Resort!

About Mambukal Resort


This resort is about pretty high, it’s about 1.2k ft. above sea level. Previously, this resort was owned by a Japanese guy who turned this place into a bathhouse and a picnic garden.

Eventually the resort had an overhaul and has been a great place for people who want to go out and be closer to nature. It now offers tons of activities that you can try out and this resort is not just all about those sulfur springs. They have waterfalls, outdoor activities like zip lines and many more.

How to Get There

Good thing @elle.laurent was there because he is from Negros Occidental, he knows what public vehicles to ride and where to stop and go.

From the hotel, we had to go to Libertad and then ride a mini-bus to the resort. It’s a 1.5 hour ride but mind you frets going back was much slower. I don’t know what’s with that bus but it took as ages to go back, it was just super duper slow.

The view is lovely, went sightseeing on our turtle-paced bus.

The Seven Waterfalls

There are seven but you can't see them all when the weather is bad. The weather wasn’t in favor for us at that time, since we were high up the mountains, it’s frequently raining and that was one of those days. Then had to keep my camera as to not make it wet.

Waterfalls Number 1

The first falls wasn’t that bad a walk but the way going there is muddy and slippery because of the rain. As far as I can recall we didn’t check out all seven falls because two of them are dangerous to go to and very slippery.

Strong Currents

Once you have visited the last falls you have to cross the river. Just to get to the other side. Oh my, the current was just so fast that we ended up holding on for dear life with tree branch that gave us a pathway down to it.

Sorry video quality is very poor but I want you all to see what we've been too. Here are my fretz super struggle ^^

Once on the other side, you have to ride a habal-habal (motorcycle for rent) going down back to where we started. ^^

Sulfur Springs

  Literally this spring contains Sulfur, which is mineral that you usually find near volcanic craters and hot springs.

Benefits of Sulfur Springs

  • Detoxify
  • Boost your immune system
  • Reduce Stress
  • Improve blood circulation
  • This one is not for swimming. You can see that the steam here is quite hotter compared some other pools and the sulfur content is over the average content so no one is allowed to swim here.

    Here are the Sulfur Pools that we checked out:

    The sulfur pools were jam packed when we got there but we were able to check them out. We were able to touch and dip like a hand or two but didn’t go swim. ^^

    Hot Dipping Pool


    This is four feet sulfur pool. The pool has love seats so people can easily sit and dip. We basically went inside and out. Look there’s tons of people so we didn’t bother to go and dip.

    Bath House


    This one is called a Japanese Ofuro! Ofuro is a Japanese term which means “tub.” For Japanese people, their bath after a long day is very important for someone’s well being. They say that this technique of immersing one’s self in hot water can reduce stress, remove tensions, soothes muscle pains and can stimulate blood circulation.

    Swimming Pool


    The pool is very wide and it is divided by the Kiddie Pool (3-ft) and the Adult pool (5ft). Yes, my fretz. This part of the area only has a few people in it so we ended up here. We got it almost to ourselves. ^^

    It might have been a tiring day but I've really had a great time with them. Thanks for dropping by ^^



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