Cafe Mondieu, Bratislava 🍮 - #myeuropaplog series 歐洲行旅照片記錄系列

This is an on-going series of my recent trip to Europe. Bratislava is the capital of a little nice European country Slovakia. For a few days there, I really enjoyed this laid-back town-like city ... This one Cafe Mondieu, is a very good cafe in the old-town area. Meals, coffee, atmosphere ... top rate! A secret for you ... this was where I spent my time before I went to look for the Bitcoin ATM!!

大家好,這是我前一陣子到中東歐旅行的行旅照片記錄系列。近來中文區人多了,所以我加入cn標籤,讓更多人可以看到。以照片為主,文字分享,待日後再另外寫了。布拉提斯拉瓦是歐洲中部小國斯洛伐克的首都,是一個大一點的,悠閒放鬆的小鎮的感覺。這間咖啡廳,Cafe Mondieu,就在舊城區,生意很好,食物咖啡都一流。告訴你個秘密,這是我前進探訪歐洲第一個比特幣提款機之前的休息站,存/提款機就在這裡附近而已。

Recent #myeuropaplog series posts are here - 1, 2

最近的歐洲行旅照片記錄系列 - 1, 2

--------  Equipment used - Sony Xperia UA1 Smartphone. ----------

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