Take a stroll in a part of old Taipei around Main Station 台北車站商圈之公園散步

I saw the Taipei Main Station post by @shieha yesterday and today I happened to be in the neighborhood nearby - a friends' gathering in a restaurant near the 228 Peace Memorial Park. It is an area of old Taipei with some old buildings scattering around. There is a museum in the park - National Taiwan Museum and the park also have some other things that are as old or even older than the museum building that were built in 1908 during the Japanese colonial period. Like the first ever Steem, or sorry, Steam engine train in Taiwan during the Ching dynasty at the end of the 19th century. Say no more, let's take a stroll around!

大家好,昨天才看到 @shieha 的台北車站照片 Taipei Main Station post 今天就剛好被朋友找到那附近去吃飯。餐廳在228公園附近,距離台北車站非常近,基本上是同一商圈。這附近很多散落的歷史建築物,有些正在使用,有些變成博物館,例如公園內的國立台灣博物館,建築是日本時期建造的巴洛克風格建築,公園內還有比這還老的東西,例如台灣第一台蒸汽火車,騰雲號,是清朝時期從德國進口的,還有些貞節牌坊等等。


The first ever Steem, or sorry, Steam engine train. Looks sad being kept inside a glass house. :(

Look out from inside the park you can see the commercial district outside towards Taipei Main Station and the used-to-be Taiwan's tallest building.

Across the street is also an old building which is now Taiwan Bank.

Another side across street is also an old building which is part of National Taiwan University Hospital.

You have many traffic options here like MRT and the YouBike public bike system.

Thank you for following me around!  感謝收看!:)

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