Travel Blog: Lazar's Gorge - Unknown Gems Of Serbia

My Travel Blog Series: Lazar's Gorge, Eastern Serbia

Canyon of Lazar’s river, more known as Lazar’s Gorge (srp: Lazarev Kanjon) is located near town Bor in Eastern Serbia. It is deepest and longest canyon in that part of Serbia. Because their sides are very steep and rocky, it is still unexplored in some areas.


Who was Lazar and why there are so much places in Serbia named by his name and name of his family. In short, he was one of most known, most powerful and most successful rulers of Serbia. He created one of largest medieval state – Serbian Empire. Upon his rule, Serbia was rich, powerful and respected. It all came to the end in Battle of Kosovo in 1389 and Lazar's tragic death. After that battle, Serbia will wait for more than 500 years to become independent again.



Lazar’s Gorge is known as home for many caves, pits and coves. It's rocky terrain is astonishing view of untouched nature. Thanks to relatively small altitude above sea level, foliage is rich and beautiful.


Due to its rocky sides and limestone walls, it is not advisable to visit lower parts of canyon during winter. During summer, you may encounter snakes, one of two poisonous species which lives on territory of Serbia. That is probably why I never hiked bottom part of Lazar’s Gorge… I have irrational, unreal fear of snakes. Probably too many horror movies at my younger days.


Those facts never stopped me from walking his sides and exploring paths and tracks along canyon. Because… it is a beautiful place. Moreover, as you climb higher, view from sides of canyon is utterly pretty and overwhelming. For me is more inspiring to be on top of the canyon than being restricted by stones and rocks around it's bottom. At least, this is official story you will hear from me ;)


Most of the paths for exploring Lazar’s Gorge starting from parking in front of Zlot Cave also known as Lazar’s Cave – another amazing place which I will cover in second part of this blog entry.


Excellent path lead up to the canyon into his rocky sides filled with bushes and trees. This is a good place to fill your water supplies. You will not find water or any refreshment on the trail. Path is moderate hard, some 9 km long, with medium steep parts. Most of trail is easy, very well secured and properly marked. There is no real danger of getting lost or getting hurt.


As always on hiking path, proper hiking boots and clothes is must. Even though on all trails today you can see people wearing ordinary shoes or even flip flops, this is not very advisable here. Maintenance of trails in this area is voluntary job of local mountaineering club. They do great job, but they are mountaineers and occasional climb or decent on rocky terrain they may find quite acceptable. To be honest, I never find part of this trail that can be challenge; it was always easy walk and enjoyment in astonishing view.


At few places along path you will find viewpoint with amazing overview on Lazar’s Gorge. Use that places to rest, refresh and enjoy in spectacular view at rocky canyon.



And when you return to starting point, you may refresh yourself in small restaurant near entrance to the cave. It is a nice place and, even though it is not designated for camping, they will allow you to rise a tent and rest for a night. Keep in mind that this place is one of favourite picnic area, so you may have company of happy locals, singing and offering you large amounts of beer while they asking many questions about your trip. Don’t worry, contrary of some mass media news, Serbians are very friendly, helpful and in general, very excited to hear story of your life.


Just one last remark. As I never been in Lazar’s Gorge bottom, I cannot share experiences from there. But I did spook with many people who walk those paths and most of them consider that hike to be hard and challenging, opposite of trail on canyon side. However, their pictures from bottom of Lazar's Gorge ensured me that this area is equally beautiful and worth visiting. Maybe next year I found enough strength and finally visit canyon itself. If I do that, you will be first to know, promise ;)


Hope you enjoyed our little walk through one of largest canyons in Serbia. If you are traveling across Serbia, this is one of places you must visit. As bonus, one of largest and, by my opinion, most beautiful caves in Serbia is at that exact point. Stay tuned for story about Lazar’s Cave.
Until then, best regards from your fellow stemian traveler.


All photos in this blog entry are taken with Canon PowerShot SX50 HS. If you are interested in photo info, just request info in comment and I'll provide exact parameters and post processing techniques for each photo.

!steemitworldmap 44.029424 lat 21.962359 long Lazar's Gorge! D3SCR

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