High Sierra Adventures - North Lake to South Lake Loop


I drove up highway 395 to Bishop and up Bishop creek to join my mom and my cousin for an 8 day backpacking adventure starting from the North lake trailhead and ending at the South lake trailhead. We started out hiking up the north fork of Bishop creek to Piute pass through some really amazing fall color. The aspens were just glowing yellow and orange! We dropped our backpacks at the pass and headed cross country across Humphreys basin and then made the long climb up to the summit Mt. Emerson(13,204')! After enjoying the incredible views from the summit we headed back down to Piute pass and picked up our packs and crossed over to the other side of Humphreys basin and found a great spot to setup our first camp at the very impressive Muriel lake. Some clouds were moving in and gave us some little snow flurries and some distant thunder which made for a pleasant first evening.

10440699_868035429894263_12207478818397354_n.jpg North lake trailhead

10393155_868035496560923_3052545477798862890_n.jpg Fall colors on the trail

1898030_868035559894250_5643579440608242815_n.jpg The north fork of Bishop creek

10641168_868035573227582_4729008817260439178_n.jpg Hiking passed Piute lake

10406418_868035589894247_5564564553806027745_n.jpg Views east from Piute pass

10806463_868035659894240_4476677549850265692_n.jpg Approaching Mt. Emerson

1622746_868035703227569_8108682949466259383_n.jpg Climbing Mt. Emerson

10685768_868035939894212_6251333997521740585_n.jpg Traversing the west ridge of Mt. Emerson

10686887_868035943227545_1720489728287966295_n.jpg The summit blocks

10478437_868035859894220_6091425811570494755_n.jpg Looking east from the summit

10440730_868035999894206_1944210234222581627_n.jpg Selfie on the summit

10805703_868036093227530_2691581164930817701_n.jpg Standing on the summit

10406789_868036069894199_2753096844421312889_n.jpg Looking north from Mt. Emerson

10671315_868036286560844_4467146983673822636_n.jpg Crossing Humphreys basin

10153717_868036366560836_8064110630216824836_n.jpg Arriving at Muriel lake

10447565_868036396560833_547835551631632460_n.jpg Evening at Muriel lake

The next morning we packed up our camp at Muriel lake and headed northwest across Humphreys basin. We enjoyed a light snowfall in the morning which mostly cleared before arriving at Tomahawk lake where we setup our second camp. The view of Mt. Humphreys was really amazing from there. It just dominates the scene. Then just after we got our tents setup a light rainstorm moved in. We wanted to go climb Pilot Knob(12,245') and the rain and fog was making us question our attempt, but we headed out anyways. As we approached Pilot Knob the rain and fog got less and less and started to clear as we got closer. The weather cleared out perfectly just in time for us to summit and get some awesome views! It's like it was meant to be. Later on, on our way back to our camp at Tomahawk lake it became cloudy again and started sprinkling lightly. But not enough to stop me from trying some trout fishing in the lake before heading to the tents for the night.

1959550_869949766369496_5430831634750533513_n.jpg Crossing Humphreys basin

10731090_869943863036753_7015122067285313679_n.jpg The Glacier Divide

10175947_869943903036749_8019855045083164388_n.jpg Arriving at Tomahawk lake Mt. Humphreys towering in the background

10351666_869943956370077_8891968272088731444_n.jpg Approaching Pilot Knob

10538628_869943996370073_7444531538641393672_n.jpg Views climbing Pilot Knob

10628092_869944073036732_4520524987541094914_n.jpg On the summit of Pilot Knob

1922098_869944119703394_79143202279044331_n.jpg On the summit of Pilot Knob

10371436_869944139703392_9151645246764809823_n.jpg The summit of Pilot Knob

10733973_869944169703389_517877306892359478_n.jpg The clouds moving into Humphreys basin

10806453_869944193036720_5771882089054872543_n.jpg Back at Tomahawk lake

10171781_869944206370052_2400676195658267516_n.jpg Sunset from Tomahawk lake

After a good night at Tomahawk lake, we packed up camp and headed down through the very impressive Piute canyon. Huge granite peaks, cliffs, and domes just tower over the canyon on all sides. Then we met with the the JMT(John Muir Trail) and followed it down the south fork of the San Joaquin river towards Muir Trail Ranch. We made our third camp by the banks of the river and spent the evening trout fishing in the river and soaking at Blayney hot springs which was in the beautiful meadow just across the river from our camp. The weather was perfect all day, it was a great day to be in the Sierras.

10172579_872489436115529_364929407436230454_n.jpg Morning views of Mt. Humphreys from Tomahawk lake

1621668_872489399448866_3788780853774387866_n.jpg Looking back up at Pilot Knob from Piute creek

10801840_872489456115527_3206542991476995474_n.jpg Piute canyon

1509275_872489542782185_851165116361622917_n.jpg Piute canyon

10850053_872489572782182_6386150181970827037_n.jpg Piute canyon

10846305_872489602782179_8248687413339131887_n.jpg Piute canyon

10849900_872489726115500_6815630817522473693_n.jpg Pavillion Dome from Piute creek

983820_872489759448830_2183787549212075543_n.jpg Trail junction to Muir Trail Ranch

10686772_872489816115491_7926453770006269417_n.jpg South fork of the San Joaquin river

10730803_872489846115488_8800860341712705633_n.jpg South fork of the San Joaquin river

1536454_872489916115481_6208862398603053031_n.jpg Soaking at Blayney Hot Springs

10444651_872489932782146_955791285431960329_n.jpg Selfie in the hot springs

10628567_872489992782140_8123907369190792141_n.jpg Blayney hot springs

10514615_872489959448810_7499200094535965317_n.jpg Sunset glow from the meadow

Feeling nice and refreshed from our evening at Blayney hot springs, we headed back up the South fork San Joaquin river following the JMT, entering Kings Canyon national park at the Piute creek bridge. Then we began our climb up into Evolution valley. We climbed up the trail and enjoyed the many cascading waterfalls of Evolution creek. Taking a nice break for some fishing, swimming, and lunch at some of the waterfalls. Once we reached the valley we hiked through Evolution meadow and made our way to McClure meadow where we setup our fourth camp. The views from McClure meadow are absolutely stunning. Once camp was all setup I went out exploring along Evolution creek having lots of fun trout fishing. The fish were all very small, but there were tons of them and they are still a lot of fun to catch! I also collected some wild onions and blueberries and then headed back to camp. It was my cousins birthday so we had our own little party for her. We even had a small piece of cake and a candle for her! Then we had a some drinks and talked into the night!

10850235_878981718799634_6163591714203762909_n.jpg John Muir Wilderness/Kings Canyon national park boundary

15258_878981752132964_5034823354134177056_n.jpg Hiking up the south fork of the San Joaquin river

10502231_878981772132962_850806249384913454_n.jpg Pavillion Dome from Aspen meadow

10868105_878981865466286_6077968588144186502_n.jpg Evolution creek waterfalls

10599312_878981955466277_6529517261157532635_n.jpg Evolution creek waterfalls

10857728_878982005466272_8641367481809325148_n.jpg Golden Trout

10846060_878982068799599_7627421105173251039_n.jpg Evolution meadow

1926697_878982098799596_748778369617611688_n.jpg McClure meadow

10325210_878982122132927_2749976798674766493_n.jpg McClure meadow

10858511_878982135466259_359816308523584216_n.jpg McClure meadow

10387703_878982155466257_6560304026280476249_n.jpg Standing in the meadow during sunset

After a fun but cold night at McClure meadow we packed up our camp and continued up the JMT into Evolution basin. My cousin had a few to many drinks the night before and she was a bit hungover and moving pretty slowly, but we didn't have a lot of miles to cover and It was a perfect clear sunny day. For me the climb up into the basin seemed like almost nothing. And the views just got better and better. The Hermit was just towering over the far side of Evolution valley. We hiked around Evolution lake which is a quite unique and truly beautiful lake. And then we arrived at Sapphire lake, still pretty early in the day. We got our camp set up on the far side of Sapphire lake and then my mom and I (my cousin decided she needed to rest) began our climb to the summit of Mt. Spencer(12,431'). The climb up was a fairly easy class 2 climb and the views from the summit were incredible!! Mt. Spencer sits right in the center of Evolution basin giving it the ultimate view over all the lakes in the basin as well as huge views out over Evolution valley. We signed the summit register and spent plenty of time enjoying the views and then headed back down to our camp at Sapphire lake. I did some trout fishing in the lake and then made some dinner before heading into the tent for the night.

10850075_880937028604103_179721996232160860_n.jpg The Hermit from Colby meadow

10351582_880937025270770_3095111087492610218_n.jpg Great views of The Hermit from the JMT

1907342_880937091937430_4509354830130370480_n.jpg Getting into Evolution Basin

10857792_880937218604084_1746146278940585373_n.jpg Evolution Lake

10428663_880937258604080_1145070155162875059_n.jpg Evolution Lake

10858104_880937321937407_7610622784797663451_n.jpg Evolution Lake

10410761_880937368604069_7868067192782637507_n.jpg Arriving at Sapphire Lake

10403638_880937431937396_416775372518325806_n.jpg Overlooking Sapphire lake from the SW slopes of Mt. Spencer

10382984_880937508604055_5876045513361230314_n.jpg Views SW overlooking Evolution lake and Evolution valley from the summit of Mt. Spencer

10850100_880937518604054_3300150018806073894_n.jpg Views S from Mt. Spencer looking way down at our camp at Sapphire lake (on the right)

1450260_880937575270715_7764321555730010328_n.jpg Views NE from Mt. Spencer with Mt. Darwin towering over Lake 11,594'

spencer.jpg Mom and I standing on the summit of Mt. Spencer

10881711_880937645270708_8280832975070867682_n.jpg Evening at Sapphire lake

So on day 6 we packed up and left Sapphire lake and headed through Evolution basin by Wanda lake and Lake McDermand up to Muir pass. After a break in the Muir hut, my cousin decided she wanted to finish a day early so she went ahead of us and then finished her hike solo. I on the other hand decided it was a great day for some peak bagging and decided to climb Mt. Solomons(13,034') AND Black Giant(13,330)! Both climbs were steep but relatively easy class 2. The views were amazing of course!! Especially the huge views over LeConte canyon from Black Giant. After my epic peak bagging adventure mom and I dropped down into LeConte canyon and made our camp at beautiful Little Pete meadow. Sitting in the bottom of such a huge canyon, surrounded by massive granite peaks, Little Pete meadow is a little serene paradise. It ended up being a pretty long day, but it was truly amazing. The kind of day that I live for.

1965043_892097724154700_5395583276392351487_n.jpg Evolution Basin

1800487_892097677488038_4602206212248003821_n.jpg Wanda Lake

10410690_892097680821371_416717096697179945_n.jpg The Muir Hut at Muir Pass

10896903_892097707488035_2539811951074535852_n.jpg Overlooking upper Evolution basin from the N slope of Mt. Solomons

10888921_892097787488027_5807864897693776737_n.jpg Views NE overlooking the Muir pass area from the top of Mt. Solomons

10906094_892097864154686_8234426158933587363_n-1.jpg Views S overlooking Ionian Basin from Mt. Solomons

10923243_892097890821350_1118064418222547629_n.jpg Traversing from Mt. Solomons to Black Giant

10906327_892097917488014_125417157506782948_n.jpg Views NW from the summit of Black Giant

10897126_892098004154672_2187389901598763370_n.jpg Views SE from the summit of Black Giant

10906356_892098034154669_5069982643154268772_n.jpg Views NE overlooking LeConte canyon with Little Pete meadow over 4,000 feet below

10906558_892098150821324_515852588178334824_n.jpg Shot of me on the summit of Black Giant

10915303_892098147487991_2105217245066626343_n.jpg Black Giant pass

10386262_892098207487985_5417043333542138795_n.jpg Dropping down into LeConte canyon

10906481_892098250821314_4900832898652556535_n.jpg Dropping down into LeConte canyon

10917079_892098390821300_5055864173729629968_n.jpg LeConte canyon

1509253_892098387487967_2763373076834426470_n.jpg LeConte canyon

10898100_892098420821297_7981189574967464637_n.jpg Little Pete Meadow

So day 7 we packed up our stuff and headed down the canyon to the junction with the Bishop pass trail. We left the JMT and began our climb up the Bishop pass trail out of LeConte canyon and up into Dusy basin. We made our camp early at one of the beautiful lakes in the upper part of the basin. From there I decided to make the climb up to Columbine peak(12,662') for some awesome views over the area. The climb up and down was a little more technical than I had expected with a bit of class 3 climbing and some huge talus, but it was nothing that I couldn't easily handle. And the summit rock was a really cool 'diving board' kind of rock which made for some great pictures! Then I headed back down to camp and we enjoyed a really nice sunset on the Palisades for our final evening of the trip!

10897929_896972360333903_2472435992241941685_n.jpg Climbing out of LeConte canyon

10888446_896972363667236_4619419792951280286_n.jpg Climbing out of LeConte canyon

1491656_896972427000563_5078095105917139632_n.jpg Climbing into Dusy Basin

10922683_896972517000554_3886682703081340668_n.jpg Lower Dusy Basin

1509720_896972520333887_8775750081313449350_n.jpg Dusy Basin

10917299_896972490333890_8044220524516559164_n.jpg Dusy Basin

10522553_896972530333886_1978929456578819671_n.jpg Dusy Basin

10858381_896972590333880_9017835461115612943_n.jpg Views W overlooking Dusy Basin from Columbine peak

10447106_896972623667210_5357555976044760085_n.jpg Views SE overlooking Barrett lakes from Columbine peak

10410712_896972607000545_8712109487543618794_n.jpg The 'diving board' summit rock

10929066_896972650333874_8043996091363180222_n.jpg Hanging out on the summit of Columbine peak

10917382_896972703667202_4864252691507814782_n.jpg The Palisades from Dusy Basin

10408864_896972723667200_3241688686546359538_n.jpg Sunset glow on the Palisades

10917837_899319156765890_7102773545105804176_n.jpg Camping in Dusy basin

On our final night a storm rolled in and dropped a couple inches of snow on us in Dusy basin. When we woke up the whole basin was coated in white and everything looked super awesome! We packed up our camp and headed for Bishop pass. We arrived at the pass and the clouds had cleared significantly, so we decided to make the climb up to Mt.Agassiz(13,893'), the tallest and the final peak of the trip! We summited with just enough time to enjoy the incredible views before the clouds moved back in and began snowing on us again. The snow and fog made the climb down quite adventurous and it continued to snow on us the rest of the way out on the Bishop pass trail. We hiked through the weather and got down to the trailhead at South lake, our final destination on this awesome trip!! It was really a perfect ending to this incredible adventure.

10898110_899740953390377_4693044834534443247_n.jpg Fresh snow in Dusy basin

10917865_899740963390376_3114192449785926611_n.jpg Fresh snow in Dusy basin

10672221_899740973390375_6328995517337644316_n.jpg Climbing out of Dusy basin

10922708_899740966723709_1884471747231455642_n.jpg Approaching Bishop pass

10370893_899741016723704_3511589396242181011_n.jpg Bishop pass

10929086_899741033390369_3118792040649234752_n.jpg Me on Bishop pass

1535078_899741093390363_5051716714813144804_n.jpg Climbing Mt. Agassiz

1013500_899741090057030_2165914008843101238_n.jpg Climbing Mt. Agassiz

10928832_899741193390353_2044258743610805422_n.jpg Views W from the summit of Mt. Agassiz

10940996_899741196723686_5467343609869362206_n.jpg Views E from the summit of Mt. Agassiz

10940484_899741223390350_5208871611112755662_n.jpg Standing on the summit of Mt. Agassiz

150191_899741226723683_2207391361185350606_n.jpg Mom and I on Mt. Agassiz

10888533_899741260057013_8382579554038194788_n.jpg Descending from Bishop pass

10933832_899741263390346_6160776448164498532_n.jpg Descending from Bishop pass

10940543_899741273390345_165131013506296374_n.jpg Bishop lake

10305952_899741310057008_357864648373790834_n.jpg Looking back to Mt. Agassiz (now in the clouds)

10305512_899741353390337_708168090816643425_n.jpg Saddlerock lake

10896984_899741346723671_4948114636562687355_n.jpg Long lake

10408497_899741366723669_7555844596026255419_n.jpg Fall colors above South lake

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Youtube video -

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Map -
!steemitworldmap 37.229573 lat -118.618582 long 'North Lake' D3SCR

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