Tales From Victoria- Sovereign Hill and Gold Museum, Ballarat

3, 800 Miles From Home

I have had the pleasure of going to Victoria, Australia for a six-week work trip with a couple of colleagues. The weekends, of course, were spent seeing what it has to offer. Blessed to have thoughtful friends who willingly, and generously shared their time and resources to take us to amazing places, the trip was definitely memorable. Here is a photo taken in one of its glorious beaches.

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A Temporary Residence

We stayed in Viqi Hotel at Glen Waverley, which was about 25 kilometers from Melbourne. A good place to stay as it is very near the Glen Shopping Center, Glen Waverley Cinema and unlimited selection of restaurants. As it is a service apartment, you may opt to do some cooking yourself too.


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Now, allow me tell you more about the places we were able to visit. This will be the first of a two-part tale, focusing on Sovereign Hill and Gold Museum, the second on Wildlife Park, Beaches, Melbourne and FOOD!

Sovereign Hill, Ballarat

SOVEREIGN HILL is a theme park where you step back in time and see Australia's history come to life. Quite a distance from Glen Waverley, seeing its splendor is worth the every mile of the 85 miles traveled.

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AUSTRALIA'S CULTURAL EXPERIENCE at its finest, Sovereign Hill showcases a period in time where in 1851, thousands of adventurers rushed in search of gold- a period known as Ballarat’s Gold Rush. Horse-drawn coaches, guards in their glorious uniforms, beautifully dressed ladies and gentlemen, these are but a few sights in the road. Everyone is happy to strike a pose with eager visitors!

Feeling a Bit Under-dressed

Serenade Feels

Puny Against Giant Horses
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Sir, yes sir! Come to think of it, didn't hear them talk at all...

Blacksmiths, confectioners, candlemakers- these are but some of the trades you are able to watch in action. We tried candle-making, and it was tons of fun! I still have the candle I made as a souvenir.



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Another cool activity is GOLD-PANNING in the Red Hill Gully Diggings. Yes, you are allowed to search for gold nuggets and keep any you find! Which reminds me, I did find a gold 'particle' that I kept in a small bottle with water, now where is that bottle...


Old prints, equipment, and photographs are also showcased. There is a shop where you can wear costumes from the past and have your photo taken! We passed on this though, a bit costly for us. Took a photo with some of the framed ones in the shop instead.

A Photo by the Photos

Mightier Than a Sword
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What an awesome day it was, seeing a piece of history. Sovereign Hill is a reminder of appreciation for the past, as well as the present. Off to the next destination!

Gold Museum, Ballarat

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Free pass to the museum is included in the Sovereign Hill ticket so this was our next stop. ‘Ballarat: Inspired by Gold’ is an exhibit showing the story of early-days Ballarat through to European settlement and the dramatic change brought about by the gold rushes.

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Inside you'll find an impressive collection of gold, King Midas would definitely come in mind. Also, a souvenir shop selling jewelry and gold nuggets can be found in the museum.

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These are some of the largest gold nuggets in the world. Even if the museum leave the glass cage open, it will be impossible for a non-Hulk human to carry these!

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Gold Museum visit truly is an experience to treasure!

I hope you enjoyed reading this, and if you did, watch out for the second part, which includes kangaroo-feeding among others, to be posted tomorrow.

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