Come with me to one of the driest places on earth - The Atacama Desert

This fascinating place is located in the north of Chile between the Andes mountains and the Pacific ocean. The Atacama Desert is a 1600km long strip of rocks, sand, salt lakes and lava fields. It is the driest desert on earth: it is said that there are places were it hasn't rained for hundred years!

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You can cross the desert using the Pan-American Highway which leads from north to south all the way down from Alaska to Patagonia.

There are stretches where you can drive 50 km straight ahead without curves. This is very dangerous because you fall asleep very easily. You have also the problem that at night you cannot say if the other cars are 200 m away or 20 km. You only see the lights in the distance but it is not possible to measure the distance right.

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That leads to many fatal accidents. Everywhere you can find these crosses near the road were people died. Sometimes the car wreck is still lying nearby...

All photos are my own work. I will show more images of vulcanoes, salt lakes and the andes mountains soon...

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