Iceland Crater Drive By (Day 2 End)

After the geyser there were still two places left to go! You'd think that after the geyser nothing else would be able to top it.

And you'd be right. On top of that the snow was really starting to pick up. But we made the most of it.

The Disappearing Waterfall

The first stop was some supposed "secret waterfall" that was on some strange side roads.

This is the road.

The navigation was not very precise and we were lucky to stumble upon some fellow travelers that were just parking. We saw them disappear into a trail and decided to park and follow along.

This is the trail.

As the snow picked up, as we walked we thought to try using an umbrella. That turned out to be a dumb idea.

Nevermind the umbrella. What's that in the bushes?

The folks we were following disappeared. And as we followed the footprints we were lead to a dead end. (Cue spooky music).


Barbed wire fence with some scary messaging and a river in the distance. I wonder what the place we were going to would have looked at that day...

Bruarfoss Waterfall is that place. Wow, click it... It probably would have been quite a view in the snow. Sounds like the route we took wasn't quite correct. Ah well we had our bit of adventure.

We gave up and went to the next location.

The Crater

KeriĆ° - the volcanic crater, now dormant.

We saw that there was a parking fee and almost didn't enter, because we were cold and it was getting windier and colder. But we're here, so let's try it out!

The first thing that struck me was a distinctive red color and I was fascinated with its contrast with the snowy dull whites that were all over. Felt like snow on Mars.


Just a few steps from the entrance of the park, we saw the inside of the crater.


If you look closely you can see people right at the bottom of the crater, next to the frozen lake in the center. This place has a trail that circles the frozen lake at the bottom of the crater, and a trail that circles along the top edge of the crater.

We were freezing so we just took a selfie and ran back to the car.

I wish the weather was better because this looks to be an amazing place to hike. Isn't that view incredible?

Chilling at the Farm

And that was it! Drove to the farm we would be staying the night at, and it was nice and cozy. There was a kitchen, so we were able to cook a nice warm meal! Actually the brother in law did most of the cooking since he has quite the talent. I think I just cut onions.

These are Langostines.

This seems to be a specialty of the northern countries. They're basically like small lobsters and look like giant shrimps. We got these frozen at Costco, and they were delicious. First pan fried and then thrown into a seafood noodle soup. A perfect way to soothe our cold bodies.

The feast.

You'll see the big pot of soup in the back, leftover Costco pizza (microwaved, ew), seared scallops (also from Costco), Costco rotisserie chicken, and Icelandic Coke. Icelandic Coke is bottled in Iceland and made with real sugar and magical Icelandic tap water. It was very nice (like the popularity of Mexican Coke). We stuffed ourselves silly, and went to bed satisfied, dreaming about what exciting adventures were yet to come...

And the journey continues here.


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