Life after graduation...Tour of Shiraz

Join me for some experiences on a trip from from the UAE to Syria. There were highlights in each place that will stay with my forever. I am writing now many years later but I would like to share some of the memories that have stayed with me. Travel is so much fun, if you get the chance, get out and explore this great world.


I got a taxi from the airport in Shiraz to my hotel. The taxi driver spoke no English but we figured out how to communicate and I got a really good impression from the guy. I asked if he would be available to drive me to Persepolis, a jewel in the crown of ancient Persia, the following day. The distrusting soul that I am I asked him to meet me at the hotel reception the next morning. I reasoned that if he was any bit dodgy he wouldn't come into the hotel. So it was a good way to vet him for the trip.

In the mean time I had the whole day to explore Shiraz city.

Shiraz Wine

Shiraz was the wine capital of Iran in times past, famous for its wine. A modern variety of grape Shiraz, is used for wine made from grapes purported to have originated in ancient Shiraz. There are not any vineyards left in modern day Shiraz but there are beautiful fruit trees everywhere.

On a cold December day the city was quite beautiful. Time was short here so I wrapped up and headed out to explore. I quickly came across a man called Mohammed on the street who offered his services.

Top Travel Tip: Get a guide: It may often seem like a waste of money but if you have limited time, they will show you all the must sees and tell you an interesting tale or two.

Until this point I had hardly seen any mosques in the Middle east. Everything and everyone were kept separate in the Gulf. At last I was getting to mingle with Middle Eastern Culture.

Vakil Bazaar

Unfortunately the bazaar was shut as it was a Friday but it was still a charming walk through the narrow streets with my guide Mohammed telling me stories.

City Street
Mosques of Shiraz

Regents Mosque

At the edge of the Vakil Bazaar is a beautiful 18th century mosque, Regents Mosque.

Regents Mosque
Minaret of Regents Mosque

Regents Mosque
Geometric art work inside the Mosque

Mausoleum of Shāh Chérāgh

It was a Friday and my guide Mohammed told me it was also a pilgrimage day so it was better if I didn't enter the Mausoleum. I may have to return here one day as my guide told me about the amazing Green mirrors floor to ceiling inside. Looking at photos on the internet this looks quite unique and worth a trip in itself.

Mausoleum of Shāh Chérāgh
Minaret and Cupula of the Mausoleum of Shāh Chérāgh

Mausoleum of Shāh Chérāgh
Mausoleum of Shāh Chérāgh

Mausoleum of Shāh Chérāgh
Square in front of the Mausoleum of Shāh Chérāgh

Mohammed my Guide
My guide Mohammed outside the Mausoleum of Shah Cheragh standing in a fountain that stole 20 dollars from him :)

Too Short a trip

This whistlestop tour of Shiraz on a Friday left me wanting more. I didn't get to see all the sights. I hadn't realised there was so much to see in this city, the main reason for the stop here was to visit the nearby UNESCO heritage site, Persepolis. But like most things in Iran there is so much to discover.

I was only there for a week but there was too much to cover in just one post on Iran. I have split the trip to Iran over several posts. Yet to come are highlights from Persepolis, Pasargadae, Yazd and Esfahan.

Thank you for reading this. I write on Steemit about Blockchain, Cryptocurrency, Travel and lots of random topics.
All Images are from my personal library.

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