Travel Blog 13: Part 2: Eye-Opening Exotic food that you've never seen before in Bangkok

Hello, fellow Steemians! Another day, another post~

It's been such a long and hectic day In Thailand, searching and hunting for some delicious yet exotic goodness. I have been spending my day and night eating and trying out the best food to be recommended to my dear readers~

Anyway, let me go off topic for a little while, that I absolutely NEED to share this with you.
The moment when I stopped to get to capture this beauty in the crazy busy city of Bangkok, MBK.


Anyway, there you go~

Let's START our Exotic Food Journey!!

Calm Down, Don't Freak Out :D
It's just a pork knuckle and it's freaking delicious!

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Well, FYI this is pork intestine.

These are Chinese style braised pork knuckles and intestines which everyone is lining up early in the morning to get it. Of course, you'll see that they have a huge amount of workers packing and ready for delivery in a huge formation on a catering corner.

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Believe or not, you'll probably think it's soooo fatty and disgusting to be eaten. But, you're absolutely wrong, the pork knuckles are braised to perfection where it disintegrates in your mouth without even need a chew, intestines are so clean tasting without any tinge of gamey-ness at all. To complete the meal, their secret sauce!

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Jeng Jeng Jeng
Their house speciality secret hot sauce in a big jar! It's crazily spicy yet addicting, the sour, garlicky yet spiciness add a whole new dimension to the originally good dish!

Guys..If you haven't already been to Thailand, you'll find all over exotic food like these in all over Thailand and they know what exactly they are doing. Please don't be scared to try and explore.


Well, this is going to be more exotic! Behold!!

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It is definitely a very normal looking dish that you'll find all over Thailand which is Thai papaya salad. But! that's a trail behind it..

Can you guess??

It is called Som Tam Poo/ Som Tam Plara
It is a kind of Papaya salad which is prepared with a strong ingredients of fermented fish or fermented crab.

How does the fermented crab prepared was it is caught fresh and cleaned, preserved with salt in a jar for at least 6 months before it's placed on the stage to be used.

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This is the stage for the crabs to shine :D :D

So, let's come back to the papaya salad. How does it taste then? Disgusting??
Well, Absolutely NO!

It tasted like heaven, it's salty yet so fresh tasting, the crab has 0 strench to it and the meat is so soft that melts in your mouth. I couldn't stop myself from eating it even tho it's crazily spicy with the extreme hot thai bird's eye chilies. Just sooo addicting!

Besides, we also got a minced cat fish salad! Sounds eukk~ not so appertizing yeah?
How about, Look at this?
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It's just tasted like minced Tuna with tons of thai spices. AWESOME!


Never judge the book by its cover. I always believe in this!
We always need to have the courage and souls to explore and try. If we don't there will be no adventure and no great experience to share in your life when you gets old. Worst, you'll be regret for not taking risk and chances while you can.

Hope you guys like my article and hope to hear from you
Please comment down below and let me know how you think~

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Until the next time, much love <3

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