Travel Blog 24: Being close to the "Amazing Nature of Austria" for the one last time!

Hello to all fellow Explorers,
It's been really quite some times ago since I last posted due to travel purposes. I have been extremely busy with travelling, exploring and also capturing the best moments for all of you guys. Not to mention that I fall sick during my travels and to receive my first drip for the last 20 years of my life! Anyway, let's not stop the exploring spirit be put off, shall we?

Before you curse me for spamming on nature travels again, please forgive me! I am totally a nature enthusiast that I couldn't stop myself from getting close to it! You'll know what I mean if you really do give it a try for yourself. The natural beauty is absolutely addictive.


Trust me, I used to be extremely timid when it comes to height. I'll be having an extreme headache and speedy heart pumping as if it's coming off from my chest. Short of breath and all I want is to be a sloppy snail, laying on the ground slow moving to feel safe.

Don't mind me exaggerating but, it's the truth. But, until I am closed to nature when I did my first ever hiking back in Malaysia. I totally conquered my fear with absolutely AMAZING!! I am still very proud of it hahaha!

The thing is, if you want to conquer something, try as hard as possible even though you know that it's going be tough and a hell lot of motivation to achieve it. Pushing yourself to the limits that actually never existed because you simply don't know how far you can go if you keep trying and treating every effort you made as an achievement & a history!

Like me, fear of height, the height is where I go!! Conquering my fear, being at the top of a more than 900m high of a mountain at "Achenkirch" was simply the best thing ever happened to me!


I am not sure how should I start telling you guys my story for this article, but, I guess I'll just have to start with the basic which of course the "Accommodation."


I always tell everyone that, travelling is not all about packing and squeezing your schedule with activities to fit in the 100% of the capacity. For me, travelling is rather an experience for me to relax and understand the culture and being able to live like a local. To feel the existence of me living as a part of it in the country/place."

So, accommodation is as crucial as everything else in a different country!


As I said, I rather be surrounded by nature than anything else. So, I picked a local Austrian hotel in a small valley in Alpbach, "DerAplbacherhof" which is literally embedded by the nature. It makes me feel relaxed, free from the buzzing street honking and crazy light pollutions. I genuinely think that this is the definition of reality escape in the best way!


Waking up with a view of the lush greenery mountain, birds chirping, fresh crisp of the floral scent with the pastoral scene makes me realized how much of happiness can be without the complex and materialist demands.


I am absolutely glad that I have picked my dream room that everything is made out of real wood! Like C'mon! Which on earth the hotel will use real raw wood for flooring despite the crazy expensive price of the materials and the aroma in the room is simply amazing. As if I am really in the woods, living my dream life!!


Also, not to mention, the beautiful and stunning decorations incorporated into the room. Even a firewood heater?! You gotta be kidding me! I was literally having the biggest jaw-dropped upon entering the room. I was shocked!


Look at this beauty. Judge yourself, whoever the interior architect of this room/building. I am impressed and I'm completely speechless. *P.S., the snowflakes and the indoor closet are lighted!


Just so you thought, it couldn't be better, the modern technology incorporated in it is beyond perfect. A bathtub is definitely essential for the cold weather, enjoying a bath with your favourite bath bomb is something that I will never be missed doing!

In general, I really loved how much they put in efforts to perfect their designs to make their guests feeling the best they can be! It's more than perfect in my opinion.

Enough of talking!! How about food?
Food doesn't seem to be a problem when you're in a hotel like this in Austria. You're practically backed up with some mouth-watering food that you'll never be expected coming from a hotel. It's so authentic yet amazingly plated to suit everyone's appetite.


The needless worry of food is the best thing on earth. I know it is really bothering to be thinking or even asking your partner:"Hey, what's for dinner tonight?" It's the hardest question on planet earth. Harder than answering the question of "What is the distance between the earth and the sky".

The best part is, the food prepared is either in a 3-course menu or a buffet style where I am pretty sure you'll find something that you're fond of :)

As we arrived late in the evening, we decided to sleep early and to begin the next day with full power and activities!

It's a crime that you haven't done any hiking when you're in Austria!!


I can just go hiking all day every day if I have the chance to do it every day. Achenkirch is a hotspot for ski activities and also paragliding due to the perfect landscape and the beautiful scenery. During summer, you'll see flocks and flocks of nature and action lovers packing up their gadgets, hiking up to the peak to paraglide. It is almost impossible to do it spontaneously due to the high demands that you will require a booking ahead for the activity.

Next up,

We decided to go for a silver mining experience at Schwaz. Even though it's during summer, it's definitely required to have your jacket suited up as upon entering the deep mine in the cave could be as cold with less than 10 degrees!! It's almost too cold to defrost your icy cold food from the freezer.


HAHAHA! I can't stop laughing at myself! It's almost identical to a dwarf miner with a safety helmet on! Hopefully, you didn't burst your tummy laughing at me :D

Back to the topic, the silver-mine is located at Schwaz which lies in the middle of the Lower Inn Valley at the foot of the Kellerjoch and Eiblschrofen Mountains which is approximately 30 km east of Innsbruck. In the museum, you'll be able to learn the different types of tunnels from the real preserved museum that have survived the centuries and having the input of interesting facts about the ingenious Schwaz at one time regarded a technological wonder.


As glorious back then in the 18's centuries, the mine has now transformed into a museum for underground explorers to explore and understand the technologies used for mining and their fascinating Schwaz water-pumping system underground which never fails to amaze me!

Next up,


After a hell of adventure underground, my tummy is roaring like a hungry lion, begging for food. Of course, Schnitzel came directly to my mind. The fluffy bread coating, sweetness from cranberries sauce, and the light olive oil coated potatoes with parsley are perfect to sing a lullaby for the lion in me.

The power of my beloved Schnitzel is unbeatable, that keeping me awake like a gigantic blob of an electric generator!


We continue on our adventurous journey to the famous "Achensee Lake" to have a little stroll or should I say an exercise for my asleep tummy, begging to be awakened from over sleeping


The crystal clear blue lake with the magnificent looking landscape as a background makes me feel like as if I'm in a picture painted by Sir. Vincent Van Gogh. Of course with the stunning view and clear water like this, you can't resist getting your feet dip into the water, feeling the purest and most refreshing water getting brush through your tiny little feet.


This little train that you thought is not operating is an absolutely false assumption. It's actually working when I realized that people are boarding it for sightseeing. How on earth anyone would have guessed it?!


Owwwww~ Cold!! That's the first word I said when I'm in the water as it's still swimming around my mind freshly. Even it's in the summer, after all, it's still at the alps. Of course, it's cold! Also, that's the reason I was holding back to get myself fully dipped into the water. And I was right about it because...


Not too long after I get myself into the water, the sky literally transformed into a cloud of greys that are about to swallow up everything where I was quick enough to run for my life. Hahahaha! I am always exaggerating, am I? :D

After a long day, it's almost time for dinner again and we finally had a chance to witness the most beautiful moment of the day. Of course, I am saying the Sunset.


Sunset observing is definitely one of the activities that I would never be sick of or getting tired of because it's simply the most amazing and purest activity to do on the planet earth. Observing the amazing transformation of the sky naturally is something beyond our control. If you're one of them! I strongly welcome you to the sunset family.

Next Day,



As Innsbruck is not too far from Munich where we are heading home, we decided to make it a day trip there to see what the city can offer over there. Upon arriving, I was already loving the ambience and the vibe over there.


Despite the extremely crazy tourist crowd hunting for the "Iconic Golden Roof" in Innsbruck. I am pretty amazed by the local Austrian architectures and also the beautiful weather over there. There's absolutely nothing could stop me from exploring the city of wonders!


HAHAHA! I found it! But! The enter are crazy!! Where then I found another solution to cure all my frustrations..


Let me get you a golden advice: "When things come into your way, get a dessert, laugh it off, you'll be smooth and slick like never before!"

I didn't spend much of time in Innsbruck as we are driving home Munich and didn't have much time left until the sunsets. But, on your way home, we made a slight turn to visit my favourite "Alpine Coaster" at "Mieders" once again before I leave the magical land!


With absolutely no regrets, I made my dream come true once over again!


Travelling definitely makes you wiser, mentally and physically. Understand more and deeply into every culture and also knowing even more about yourself. What you like and you don't. Discovering the deep potential in you that you've never realized. "You're more than who you think you are!"Hopefully, I will be able to inspire you to travel more, to explore and experience the wonders!! Cheers, til the next time~

*Photo Copyrights: Photos were captured with Sony A5000. Please drop me a message if you would like to use the photos. We could definitely discuss it :)

*Disclaimer: These photos were taken during the last summer at Austria, so, please do not be surprised on the difference of current weather.

Check out some of my latest blogs at the link below:

  1. Travel Tips: How I pack my bag for 16 days adventure in Dubai for less than 8 minutes with TIME LAPSE VIDEO!

  2. Travel Blog 23: My first time ever insane Glacier Experience at Stubai Glacier, Austria

  3. Dailyfoodphotography: "Black & White Chicken Soup" be prepared to be shocked by the soup offered in Singapore!

  4. Travel Blog 22: Revealing the "Secret Beauty" of Mieders, Tyrol, Austria

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