Theory triangle

Bermuda Triangle - a section of the Atlantic triangular shape, to the north of which are Bermuda, west - Miami, in the south - Puerto Rico. This area is notable for the fact that it disappeared under strange circumstances, an infinite number of aircraft, ships and small vessels, which later turned out to be the middle of the ocean without the slightest hint of the presence of people on board. On official maps this area is not marked and it is not even in the Lloyd's List, which lists sea routes of high risk. However, in a society there is an a lot of legends and speculation about the area. Today we offer you the 11 most interesting of them associated with strange disappearances which occurred in the Bermuda Triangle area.

Human factor

The most obvious, and the official cause of all that is happening in the Bermuda Triangle is the human factor. All ships and aircraft in distress in the region, were in that situation as a result of mistakes made by pilots. And while supporters of other theories stubbornly believe in the other, in most cases, the pilots refused to follow a route, and perform manual controllers. For example, when in 1958 the yacht businessman Harvey Conover disappeared in the Bermuda Triangle region, it was completely his fault, because he set sail in the middle of a storm.

Magnetic anomalies

Due to the fact that in the Bermuda Triangle region, there are problems with the compass, there was a lot of theories about what caused. Among the most incredible of them - paranormal activity and the intervention of aliens. But despite such a stir on the planet known to a few places where there are similar magnetic anomalies. Among these places, you can note the Gobi Desert, where natural magnetic mineral deposits, as well as the North and South Poles have been found where the compass refuses to show the north direction. Bermuda just refer to such places, so it is not fiction - the compass is indeed sometimes goes astray.

Gulf Stream

Quite a lot of theories to explain the disappearance in the Bermuda Triangle, revolve around the Gulf Stream. Gulf Stream - one of the major trends in the world's oceans, originating in the Gulf of Mexico and the envelope of the coast of North America through the Florida Straits. This trend seems to be rather on the river, rather than part of the ocean, the water speed is up to 2.5 meters per second. Any debris, garbage and even aircraft, found themselves in the water, just a couple of minutes will carry over a distance of several kilometers. What's worse is the fact that under the water surface are some of the most deep ocean basins of the world, reaching almost 9 kilometers in depth. If something and to crash and sink here, it hardly ever went out and brought.

The deposits of methane hydrate

Some theorists believe that the disappearance in the Bermuda Triangle associated with deposits of methane hydrate, located at the bottom of the continental shelf. Most laboratory experiments have confirmed that the gas bubbles rising to the surface, reducing the density of water, whereby ships lose buoyancy and sink. Very often such a situation arises unexpectedly and ships do not have time to file a distress signal. However, such deposits are found in many places of the world ocean, so Bermuda Triangle dangerous in this respect, no more than any other point of the ocean. In any case, such a significant methane emissions in this region have been reported over the last 15,000 years.

The unpredictable and changeable weather

The Bermuda Triangle has always been distinguished particularly violent tropical cyclones, storms and hurricanes. Death and huge damage was escorted to the region since the 16th century. Strange weather conditions in the form of a sudden and powerful downdraft, raining down here on the ocean surface without warning, which is detrimental to small boats.

Time loops

It is believed that there are time loops and portals, which lists all the missing aircraft and ships. Because of the curvature of space-time, they find themselves in the same place, but in a completely different time. It is believed that the ships are so then and have not found, simply could not find a way out of this loop.


Platon thought that the ancient city of Atlantis existed and even thrived around 10 000 years BC. According to him, this was one of the largest and most advanced civilizations ever existed, which reached extraordinary knowledge in science, technology and art. But, unfortunately, only one night civilization died because of the disaster of global scale. Some believe that at the bottom of the Bermuda Triangle are the remains of the art, or even the city itself, which belonged to Atlantis, who are the cause of such abnormalities. Unfortunately, a great depth in the Bermuda Triangle region makes it impossible to perform any whatsoever studies that could confirm or disprove this theory.

UFOs and alien abductions

Whenever it comes to aliens, there are many curious listeners. Despite the lack of evidence that aliens really do exist, many theorists it is through them and find the explanation for the strange occurrences in the region. Researchers enthusiasts argue in favor of this theory, based on the fact that a large number of disappearances coincided precisely with the maximum activity of UFOs in the region.


Pirates have plagued civilians for centuries, so there is nothing surprising in the fact that the disappearance in the Bermuda Triangle and even credited to them. Many seriously believe that the disappearance of numerous activities associated with pirates, thieves and smugglers. But alas, the pirates of the past are in the past. Today's pirates are unlikely to engage in deliberate sinking of vessels and a plane crash.

The gravitational field

Another less well-known theory is related to the gravitational fields that are amplified in certain parts of the globe. No one has really can not explain the reasons for this, but some theorists believe that on the ocean floor in the Bermuda Triangle is just one of those points, which has sufficient gravitational force to potoplyat court and bring down aircraft. The argument in favor of this theory, consider the fact that in this region there are always abnormally large waves.

Bermuda Triangle does not exist

Along with other theories, there is also one that admits that the Bermuda Triangle and does not exist, and that's all - the fruit of imagination of impressionable people. The disappearances of ships and aircraft in the region as a common thing, like similar disappearance in any other part of the world that may occur with equal probability that in the Bermuda Triangle, that in the middle of the Pacific Ocean.


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