Kuta Beach Lombok: The Dramatic Crystal Clear Beach

Kuta Beach is identical with one of the most famous beaches in Bali, but actually if you think that Kuta Beach in Bali is so beautiful, then you will get stunned when you reach the Kuta Beach Lombok. Located on the south part of Lombok this glowing beach has so much cleaner white sand and wavier coastline with healthy reefs that create a dramatic appearance.

If you want to go to Kuta Beach, you should go to Kuta Village, Pujut, Central Lombok. The beach that has 7.2km coastline has some small hills and one that sits right on the side of the beach is called Mandalika Hill. The name is taken from a local tale about Princess Mandalika who jumped from the hill to safe herself from the princes who wanted to marry her. Nowadays, the hill becomes the best spot to enjoy Kuta Lombok. Since the water of Kuta Beach is still so clear, then if you climb to the hill, you can see the beauty of underwater world in some parts of the beach.

From Mataram, the capital of West Nusa Tenggara Province in Lombok Island, you need to drive about 72 km or about 90 minutes, so you are recommended to rent a car or join a tour. Public transportation is definitely a luxury and it does not operate after 3pm, so if you miss it, you should stay or call the expensive taxi. It is recommended to take the bypass of Bandara International Lombok (Lombok International Airport) and go straight to the east and follow the directions. Before you reach Kuta Beach, you will pass Sade Village, the traditional village of Sasak tribe, the host of Lombok Island. They have beautiful traditional woven fabric, so make sure to stop by.

When you have reached Kuta Beach Lombok, you can choose various beach activities like snorkeling, surfing, or simply sit on the beach to tan the skin or watch then sunset. About 2 km to the east, you will find Seger Beach. The beach is in the same coastline as Kuta Lombok and the view is also so magnificent. For who love snorkeling, Seger beach is a perfect place. The same thing goes for surfing. Many tourists even prefer Seger Beach for surfing and snorkeling than Kuta Beach. Make sure to bargain at least 30% when you rent the equipment.

Kuta Lombok is the most famous tourism destination in Lombok, so it will be easy to find Kuta Lombok hotel around. Please check the box at the end of article to find some hotel or resort around Kuta Lombok that you can books.

Also mentioned: kuta beach lombok, kuta beach.

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