Bourbon Street

On Bourbon Street last night. Photo taken with my cell phone that I handed to a random stranger... isn't it funny how people will trust each other with expensive gadgets for a pic?

We made it! It has been a LONG road trip! Got to see some of my favorite people in the world, spent a couple days revisiting old sites and realizing times have REALLY changed... We still have another week before we get home. I will have full tales of the adventure when I get home but wanted to "check in" with my steemit family!!

We stopped and had a LOVELY visit with @carrieallen and @chrisroberts - what a sweet couple they are! And while I am truly enjoying this famous "southern hospitality" it is no finer than the Colorado reception we received!

We are just fine, having a lovely time and will have LOTS of stories to share when I get back to my real computer. This little laptop (with several keys picked off by grandkids) is rather hard to use. I have to share one story now though, it was too funny.

We borrowed our son's car for the trip, it is much newer than ours. It has the on board navigation system which sort of took my job. I LOVE maps and always picked our routes but I turned the job over to the nag-igator and she has done a really good job... except when she doesn't. We were be-boppin' down the mountain highways of Arkansas trying to work our way back to the freeway to get to NOLA. Naggie says "Take the next left on Power Line Road" so we hit the turn signal, get ready, get set, "DING" says Naggie, indicating it is time to turn. Except there is no road. There IS a swath clear cut up the side of the mountain (hill by Idaho standards...) with power poles running up. Apparently little Miss Naggie is into short cuts... straight line it, four wheelin' to the freeway baby! LOL!!

Have a lovely week everyone, @longilver and I will catch up with you all when we get home next week!


Monday night on Bourbon Street - where the party NEVER ends!

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