My Japan Travel with Some Beer, Edamame and Starbucks Caffe

Hello Stemians,

Today i want to show you some photos which i took from my Japan- South Korea travel.

First of all, i like crystals, minerals and stones very much. I took this photo in Kyoto/ Japan. This is a store which sell interesting stones and crystal.

The big one's name is Ametista. It is bright purple and perfect shaped. When you cut those stones, there is purple crystals in it.


Of course those are polished with some chemicals but it really seems cool.

The Drinking and Eating

While we in Japan, we constantly drink beer with my friend and eat many Japan food. Their kitchen are too clean in general.

In this photo we are drinking Japan Beer and eating Edamame( boiled green beans with salt ) and some fried chicken. I think fried chicken with beer an universal issue :)


This is an old historic town with classical Japan Architecture, maybe few decades ago couple of ninjas were patroling ot their roof. I like their roof system very much and gives me peace.


Hahah with this photo, i prove to went Japan. It is a caffe with some Japan letters on it. Actually it is Starbucks! There are many Starbucks Coffe in Japan and they have unique beverage. In some place, they using honey instead of sugar, that was very interesting experience for me.

Thank you

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