Glacier National Park Snapshots

Lake McDonald In The Evening Light

@Generikat Unplugged


I was in a no-internet chunk of the forest for the last few days. As a person who tries to post once daily it must be admitted that I missed digitally throwing my musings at you all. The break was good, yet I am glad to be back to the Steemiverse!

The last couple of days I have been hanging out in Glacier National Park in the lovely state of Montana. Ironically, I once lived (for nine whole months)in Thompson Falls, Montana, a town that isn't too terribly far from Glacier. I competed in track meets in Kalispell when I was in high school, and that town is a whole thirty some miles from Glacier National Park , but had I ever been there, nope.

As it is now, I only live a little over four hours from the park, so I figured that we would swing by for a couple of days on the drive home from Banff National Park, you know, to see what all the fuss is about. We pulled into Apgar Campground at the south end of Lake McDonald Thursday evening after a very scenic drive through Alberta and Northwestern Montana. I was tired of sitting on my rump, so off for a leg rejuvenating stroll I went. There might have also been a few kids and another adult in tow, but I didn't care, there were deer, ground squirrels, and people from all over the world swarming the woods around me, I needed to observe!


A short half a mile stroll later found me on the southern shores of a crystal clear glacial lake. It was late evening so the little Apgar tourist village that sprawls neatly along the bank's southern edge was shuttered for the night, and we were the only people there with the exception of three photographers on the edge of the lake's dock that were about. As I took in the scenery I understood what the fuss was about.


It's no secret to anyone that reads my blog that I grew up surrounded by wilderness and glaciers. I probably don't get as excited as other people by mountain peaks, ancient blue ice, and random fur-bedecked wildlife. What I do get excited about are random moments of serenity clad with a modicum of peace. There on the edge of that dock I experienced a moment of absolutely stillness. A bit of soul reviving peace as the sun danced off of the lake-ringing peaks that surrounded us. That moment was short lived and ruined by the sound of a particularly rambunctious bit of wildlife screeching:

"HEY KAT! They sell ice cream here!!!"


Guess there's more magic at Glacier National Park besides the scenery...


Good to know. I bought my ice cream at the shop down the street.

And as always, all of the images in this post were taken on the author's WIFI sabbatical taking iPhone.

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