Greetings From Banff National Park!

Tantalizing Tunnel Mountain Campground Views


Good evening to you all! Tonight as I lie in a tent under the not quite ever dark twilight of the Alberta sky I thought I would share a couple pictures and a funny little anecdote with you all. Today was a fun day full of wandering the town of Banff, bike rides through wooded trails, and a moose sighting.

We grown ups were lounging around the fire in camp chairs after a long day of touristy pursuits. Oh candy stores you slay me, but I fudge-distracted digress. Sigh. Anyway, we were leisurely stacking the bull fecal matter while the kiddos were riding their bicycles around the campground loop most maniacally. We had just finished laughing at the man with at least $150,000 in truck and fifth wheel travel trailer cut the corner by our campsite and leave a strip of shavings off of his new trailer bumper on the pavement. As this was his second circuit around our camp loop we were most bemused.

Suddenly one of the kids burst into our camp paradise on his aluminum chariot and shouted:

"Mom! There is a bunch of moose over there!!"

He was so excited that we gave him a camera and sent him over to the other side of the loop to the little meadow the "moose"were in to take pictures. All of the kids went and looked at the majestic beasts, and as my friend and I had just ingested a huge pile of nachos, we decided an evening wildlife viewing stroll would be good for digestion.

Just as we got up to begin our evening constitutional, the aspiring wildlife photographer wheeled in to show us his work. The laughter began, for here is a picture that I snapped shortly thereafter of the "moose."


Yep, it's an elk.

Lots and lots of mockery ensued.

Here's a couple more pictures, just for the matter of historical record.



And as always, all of the pictures in this post were taken on the author's moose hair free iPhone.

Additional apologetic addendum: Any posts that I make this week will be made from my phone, so my usual formatting and generikat's shelf footer will be on hiatus until I get home next week, sorry my dear followers, I didn't bring my laptop to the woods😉

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