I Saw A Dinosaur Tonight

Behold The Rare Jurassic Parkosaurus!!


I apologize for the terrible shot of the beast, but you know how ferocious those commercialized blockbuster swagmobiles can be. I didn't want to spook it and have it go all velociraptor on my flintlocks.

After driving a few hundred kilometers yesterday we decided to hang out in camp today. We are camping in Tunnel Mountain Village with folks from all over the world, so not only is the scenery dynamite, we also get multicultural entertainment! Our lovely Japanese neighbors provided us with a flute and harmonica fireside concert last night, and our German neighbors on the other side of us has a boisterous sing along the night before. The young couple next to us got into an argurment over smores stuff, that was also entertaining.

This meadow is just a short stroll from my tent!

One of the most peculiar bits of amusement has been gained from this particular type of RV rental that we have been seeing everywhere. This lovely beauty camped next to us the first night and we had the pleasure of traveling up The Icefields Parkway in it's company the following day:

Apologies for the language, you can only imagine what we went through with two cars full of giggling teens and tweens with this thing always in view!

The Jurassic Parkmobile I spotted tonight on my evening stroll, and while I was eating smores with the kids the Mystery Machine from Scooby Doo rolled by. I was starting to wonder if I was suffering from altitude sickness, but then got sort of excited as the possibilities hit me. Was I going to spy Kit off of Knight Rider next? Did this bananas RV rental company have Mr. T's van? If they had a version of the Tardis that you could camp in then I would be super impressed.

Guess bears and glaciers weren't the only interesting things that I spied in the woods this week.😁

And as always, all of the images in this post were taken on the author's very amused iPhone.

Additional apologetic addendum: Any posts that I make this week will be made from my phone, so my usual formatting and generikat's shelf footer will be on hiatus until I get home next week, sorry my dear followers, I didn't bring my laptop to the woods.

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