Random Roadside Attractions: Grist Mill Edition

Norris Dam State Park: 18th Century Rice Grist Mill

One of the sites that I enjoyed on the great father/daughter road trip was the old Rice Family Grist Mill that was built in 1798 along Lost Creek, and which is now located in Norris Dam State Park, in the lovely state of Tennessee.

This beautiful, working grist mill really captured my imagination, and I happily wandered around snapping pictures of its inner-workings.

At one time it was used to power a saw mill. Later it was utilized to run a cotton gin. I also loved this tidbit of history; the mill was used:

to operate a dynamo that supplied electrical lights for the Rice home
in 1899.

I live in the Pacific Northwest, and there are not a lot of old "things" out here. An old house in our neck of the woods would be from the early 1900's, so to get to witness a still-working mill that is over 200 years old was a pretty big deal for me!

Had to throw a pic of the dad in this post. He is at his normal rest arrangement, which includes the standard phone to ear arm position.

I truly enjoyed wandering around this piece of working, living history, and it's only a fraction of what is available to observe and enjoy at the park. If you are ever in the Konxville area it's totally worth the 30 minute drive north to check it out!

And as always, all of the images in this post were taken by the author on her grist mill dust covered digital camera.

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