Cloud Forest in Singapore: a fantastic use for $8

Cloud Forest is just one of the features of "Gardens by the Bay" at Marina Bay in Singapore and in my opinion it is the most stunning part of it as well.

This entire area is pretty amazing. It is a giant nature park that the city / state built sometime in the early 2000's (sorry for not being specific, but it is there currently so does it really matter when they made it?)

there will likely be slightly more people there when you go

Anyone who lives in large city can appreciate the peace that a massive park brings to the normally skyscraper-filled atmosphere - just ask anyone in Central Park in NYC.

I think the main reason why i like Cloud Forest so much more than the other features is because Singapore is nearly smack dab on the equator, which means they have 4 seasons: rainy season, dry season, hot season, and melt-your-face-off hot season. I was there during the last one and I was boiling. Nothing an ice-cold beer can't fix. Mention your favorite beer in the comments for upvote :P

The entire facility is meant to simulate tropical environments that are from 1000 to 3000 meters above sea level and it the temperature is very nice inside. The massive man-made waterfalls keep it cool and you absolutely must get there during one of the many "cloud" times (again, this is not the official term, if you are there it will be evident.)
nice and cool, thanks technology!

The main featured of the dome is Cloud Mountain, that is covered in real plants and has circular metallic walkways that takes visitors up multiple levels, each with their own theme.


Take your time while you are there and read the signs because some of the plants are actually quite rare.

I do not know this lady, sorry but there were a lot of people there

There are also some pretty awesome pieces of hand-crafted art featured in the flowerbeds.
who doesn't like dragons?

From the top of the falls there is an observation platform where you can see the famous Marina Bay Sands Hotel in the distance
at $800 a night this monstrosity features the world's only 6-star toilets

So the point of the story is: If you find yourself in Singapore with an extra $8 in your pocket. I can't really think of a better use for it than to visit this place.

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