Lions, and Tigers, and Bears, Oh My! A Day at Animal Kingdom

Hey again, Steemians!


As promised I'm sharing more details about my trip because I just wish I could pack you all in my suitcase and be hanging out with you here. Unfortunately they haven't invented a way to do that yet, so until then I'm just going to share some photos.


For a few of our group they're here at WDW for the first time so that's been fun. On our first day we went to Animal Kingdom and although the weather is a bit warmer than we were expecting, the day was a lot of fun. My little nephew is only 2 so he was enthralled by all the wildlife. I think his favorite thing of the day may have been the safari.

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Many of the animals along the ride were active and out in full view so that was great. I was a little bit sad that the lions were being shy that day so we only saw one male that was just....."lion" around (couldn't resist). We spent a good 15 minutes debating if it was Aslan, Simba, or Mufasa. What do you think?


Then we can't forget about the best attraction ever, Expedition Everest! I'm sure some of you have had the pleasure of riding it at some point, but for those that haven't I'd definitely recommend adding it to you bucket list. We rode it a few times and our ride snapshots turned out hilarious. On the left is my brother and sis being theatrical. On the right is my mom and cousin also getting into the drama, and me and another cousin in front. (Haha, I was playing bored with a yawn.)

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I'll have some more pictures to share soon but until then, later gators!


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