Technology owes an apology to ecology-- kasol times

Well here, I unfold another story from our endless journey of passion blended with fun and frolic. The intensity of reverence for nature and proximity with dear ones accrue with each excursion.


Fresh journey in old way with renowned sobriquet “RBI”. But, two more passionate souls darting in to supplement the RBI


It was on 4th April that the seed of experiencing something more was sown. On the next day itself, we let that seed of desire germinate and so we set off for new adventurous journey at 17.00.
5 Travellers with bag and baggage started



with new hopes and new targets. As always the Trip started from New Delhi and time till destination amounted to 12 hours. So to overcome gruelling travelling we decided to take break in the beautiful city Chandigarh. We soaked in the beauty of city for some time and then proceeded towards our destination. As planned we reached Chandigarh at 9 in the evening, had dinner and set out for Kasol in H.P.



The clock struck 5:00 on 5th April and we were encircled by lush green nature. Bumpy roads, photogenic mountains, meandering visitors and adorned shops was a sight to delight. Our initial thoughts were to hire bikes and indulge in razzmatazz. However on some rumination, we resolved to trek. After satiating our hunger in Kasol we moved on to Manikaran, a sanctum. A place where earth puke out blistering hot water



that can burn even ashes. ‘People serving with heart’ is commonplace in Gurudwara. So we also couldn’t afford to miss it in Manikaran.
Next we headed towards Barseani, a hamlet. During our journey we could see Beas River flowing by our side alluring us to close the gap. We succumbed to the temptation of river and we started trekking down to the river. Our passion shook us to cross the river but our


conscious minds took over and we about-turned back to village Tosh. People of this tiny village were conspicuously abject but have tender hearts. We booked a room and ordered Pizza, omelette and other assorted dishes. Their cooking taste fascinated us.


We moved out for evening stroll and then perched in the mid of mountains. I am having Goosebumps while narrating the amazing experience. Sitting around



Bonfire and temperature in minus. Only in T-shirt and not letting cold to confront us. Incredible it was! It was the passion and the company of friends that allowed acclimatizing.
Next morning, had coffee and went for trekking in Kheerganga hills. On our way we encountered three crazy persons from our native place Haryana.


Their trip was dictated by strokes of Wines & whisky. Moreover we met a couple who requested to move together. She was beautiful and gracious. But the couple couldn’t match up with our speed and so trailed behind.
After a kilometre we rushed past a place like valley with greenish bottom and healthy whitish hue at the top.



Soon after brief refreshment two dogs joined us and few packets of Biscuits made them stick around for entire journey like ‘Pandavas journey to Heaven’. The only point that this analogy fails is that this time heaven is on earth itself. Stunning waterfall looked like tears streaming down from Angel’s eyes. We let ourselves soak in the moment.


Just when we thought that the excitement is about drown a little, nature barged in and played its best part. The romantic rain rendered us crazy. Serpentine roads became slippery. After a journey of 9-10 kms we made it to the top in evening. Frozen water droplets on tree were shining like diamond. Since we were


drenched from pouring, we sat in front of Fire to warm up. Finally, we called it a day with supper and fascinating thought of ‘Surfing’ to sleep on.
The hilly sunrays woke us up at 6 am and gave picturesque scenery to behold. There’s a kartikays caves upwards but was unfortunately closed for visitors at that time. After 2-3 hours of elation and


enjoyment we retraced our steps back to Kasol. To our surprise this time it took lesser time coming from Kheerganga to Kasol. From Kasol we headed to New Delhi. Time flashed past quickly and we were oblivious of how we made it to Delhi at 6 am next morning.

It was fun all around

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