Check Out Beautiful La Jolla Beach In San Diego California!

I went to California last month and explored San Diego - La Jolla Beach is Simply Stunning!

So my wonderful girlfriend and I went to California about a month ago. She had to go for work and I tagged along for fun. After she finished her work, we had a few days all to ourselves and we took full advantage!

We spent one afternoon at La Jolla Beach and it was just as amazing as you might expect! These pictures don't even do it justice! Most of these were snapped in the late afternoon / early evening as you can tell by the sun set shots. It was so beautiful!

I loved this cool lifeguard stand jutting out into the sky. I'd never seen anything like it, but if you think about it - it's a really good idea! I bet you can see most of the beach up there!

The tall stately palm trees that lined the sidewalk at the edge of the beach were particularly striking. They seemed much taller than most palm trees. I live in Vegas and we have our share of palm trees, but these seemed different and cooler for some reason.

This is a cool picture of some sort of pier sticking out into the ocean. I'm not sure exactly what that thing is, but I just really liked the colors in the sky. It's odd how quickly the sky can jump from orange to purple during sunset time...

Here's another picture of the different life guard stations along the beach. Most beaches in California seem to have those squat small stations on the beach there.

Here's another picture of the tall palm trees lining the sidewalk, but facing the other direction. Notice the guys walking down the sidewalk in their suits? They stood out, but for some reason it didn't seem odd. I guess because La Jolla is a more upscale neighborhood, they fit right in - even at the beach!

Here's another beach shot of the lifeguard stands and the palm trees. I can't get enough of these type of pictures!

At the far end of the beach was this hotel looking building, and they were setting up tables on the beach for some sort of special occasion. At first I thought it might be a wedding, but maybe it was just dinner on the beach. Regardless, it was cool looking!

As the sun started to set, we got some cool deep orange colors. It was so peaceful and really very quiet - almost somber as it happened. Beautiful!

Suddenly the colors changed! The sky went from orange to deep reds and purples almost instantly. I'm not sure why that happened, or if it is just usual, but it was really neat to watch!

Finally, the sun dropped below the horizon and I got this cool picture with a family walking along the beach in silhouette. I'm still blown away by the colors.

So that was my trip to La Jolla Beach in San Diego. If you ever have the chance, I highly recommend you take the time to go check it out! It's worth it!!

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-John Elder
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