Why everyone should leave their home country at least once?!

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I know many people that love their home and would not want to leave it even for a week. I understand that some of us don't like changes, challenges and maybe truly believe that we live in the most beautiful corner of the Earth. There are some that would love to travel but feel they are too old, feel they can't travel with kids, can't get enough time off or simply can't afford it. And then there are others that always want to go somewhere new and spend more time away than in their home town. There is many reasons for which people decide to travel. To explore, to escape, to brag about it to their friends on Steemit (or still, Facebook), capture some nice photographs or even to find a better place to live.

I believe every one of us should leave home at least once in a life time and I will explain why right away.

What is the top destination on your bucket list?

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Please don't tell me your bucket list looks something like Homer's above and that you haven't thought of at least one place you would want to go. What is it? And why haven't you started planning it yet? Just do it! Let it be your challenge. Find motivation in planning all the activities that you want to experience. The anticipation and planning will make you feel more positive and happy every day. You will find everyday tasks and your job easier if you are looking forward to some you time. At times, and we all have times like these, when you don’t feel like things make sense, the thought of going to your dream place will help get you through tough times. Even if you have the crazy unaffordable place you want to visit, try planning it so that it can fit your budget. You will be amazed how many things you can see and do for free and cheap. Who says you have to stay in a fancy hotel and eat at the restaurants every day - unless of course that is exactly what you want to experience. In that case plan it few years in advance. It does not mean you have to give up on it. Be patient and persistent.

Step outside and take a look back

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If you think that you live in the paradise, traveling might give you the confirmation first hand. And if you think your home is nothing special, you might realize you were wrong (or right).

Being some place else makes you think, observe the differences, doubt and question yourself, no matter the belief you are coming from. When I left home I felt great, so many different things, languages, people - so many different people and places I didn’t know existed. Many more open-minded people, willing to help foreigners like myself. But after a while I started thinking of home. What have I left behind? How many friends, family members? Places I haven’t seen in my own country, the wonderful rivers, mountains and valleys I haven’t even noticed before?! Suddenly I wanted to return home, for the sake of the nostalgia.

Returning disappointed or returning to disappointment?

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No matter how short your time away, you will always experience one of the two feelings.

You might return disappointed - the vacation was not even remotely what you expected (weather was awful just the time you were there..you had a bad experience with people..food was awful). You are happy to be back home, finally. Congratulate yourself, you did it! You fund the conformation, that the home is where you belong. You live in a great place and you will get to appreciate it even more from now on. Hell, you will never leave again. You will start appreciating little things also – familiar people, customs, language. That comfort zone that fitted you all along.

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On the other hand, you might return home and feel like the dream is over. Back to reality, back to the same routine. You will just have to suck it up, work hard, do your best just to be able to repeat the wonderful travel experience. You might even have a new destination chosen by the time you fully unpack your suitcase. Congratulate yourself, you did it as well! You found your new passion, dreaming and achieving.

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No matter the experience, we return home enriched, with wider picture about the world around us and our lives.

Only leaving home for a bit gives you all that. You might find you never want to leave your home again or just the opposite, that you are ready to leave for good. Or it can be just another great experience and you will keep exploring and returning to your beloved home.

Remember to only take what you want from it and grow from you own experiences!

My next destination is Portugal. And what is yours?

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