The J.O.B. is outta the way, and America awaits!

public-domain-pictures-Chicago-City-1 (2)[5].jpg

'Merica! FUCK YEAH! Here to save the motherfuckin' DAY YEAHHHHHH!!!

Sorry. Can you tell I'm a little pumped to be on winter vacation now???

Well, Steem-O's, as I don't do so much sharing--I honestly just accidentally typed "sharting"--on Facebook anymore

I am gonna do a bit of a more lighthearted post here, about going to the states next week. It'll be my first time back in four years. My goals are as follows:

  • Eat lots of breakfast (talkin' eggs, hash browns, bacon, biscuits and gravy, etc!)
  • Receive my Steem silver round!!! (Asked @papa-pepper to mail it to my folks' house in the states) Also receive the Steemit hoodie my wife got me for Christmas!
  • Eat Mexican food
  • Eat pizza
  • Hang with friends and family and talk all things anarchy, crypto, and beer (and drink the beer, too, of course)!
  • Marvel at how tall everyone is
  • Watch my son react to a place full of wild, English-speaking kids that look more like him!
  • Road trip to TN to see my sis

Excited to head back to "THE REEJ" ("The region")

(See pic to the left for basic explanation of the area) Actually, it's a pretty cool place with a kind of unique culture in Indiana.

If there's anything you wanna see documented, do let me know, Steem-O's. I'll do my best! (Also, if anyone needs me to pick up some kimchi for you on our layover in Korea, have your Steem Dollars ready, and I'll send the delicious and pungently overwhelming stuff your way ASAP...maybe)




Graham Smith is a Voluntaryist activist, creator, and peaceful parent residing in Niigata City, Japan. Graham runs the "Voluntary Japan" online initiative with a presence here on Steem, as well as Facebook and Twitter. (Hit me up so I can stop talking about myself in the third person!)

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