Olympos Ancient City- Antalya, Turkey


Olympos Ancient City Antalya

Today I am gonna introduce you an ancient city in Turkey, Antalya. I went there last summer with my cousins and my older sister. During my staying there, I really enjoyed. So, I wanted to show you my experiences in Olympos Ancient City Antalya.



This ancient city is situated on the southern side of Mt. Tahtalı. Whether coming by sea or land do not miss the Olympos Valley shaded with oleander and laurel shrubs and the refreshing quiet pools of flowing water. The design of the mosaics in the Olympos bath is enhanced by the play of light while a temple gate and a theatre are of interest along with the other walls and towers around the bay which date from the Middle Age. North of Olympos, up from Çıralı Beach is Yanartaş ( at a height of 300 m) where , according to mythology the fire breathing monster, Chimaera, was slain by the Lycian hero Bellerophon who was mounted on his winged horse Pegasus. Nearby you can see remains from the Byzantines who attacked religious importance to the area. Tranquil waters and sandy beaches in the Bay of Adrasan, situated south of Olympus. This enchanting bay is yours for an unforgettable experience of water skiing on glassy water, for discovering the colorful marine life in waters clear enoughto see to the bottom, or exploring the incredible sea caves on the northern shore.



Necropolis Church

As you see above the building called Necropolis Church, of which the northern nave and annex stays intact, is located in the northwest of the ancient city divided into two by the Olympos stream ( Akçay) and in the southern part of the entrance of the north necropolis. The main nave, apsis and the southern nave collapsed as a result of the flood in 1969. Therefore there is no architectural trace of the apsis, naos and the southern nave. It can be said that the church, which can be dated on 6th century A.D. according to the architectural data and excavation finds, was originally a columned basilica with three naves, galleries over the side naves, apsis surrounded with a wall on the east and the atrium that consists of two parts on the west. Although it does not seem possible to put forward any certain offer for the function of the annex on the north, it is thought to be built after the construction of the church. The building is assumed to be the necropolis church of the city because of its location as in the middle of the northern and southern necropolis areas.



Some interesting pictures with my cousins.



This is Harbour Monumental Tombs



This fresh water is coming from mountain and it's going to the sea.

The Theatre

My cousin wanted to see so much this Theatre but It was a bit difficult to find the Theatre becuse Olympos is in the big area. We went to some scary and rugged places to find the Theatre but in the end, we've found it.

The Theatre in the southern part of the city was constructed on the northern slope of the hill on the western border of the city. It's on the axis of the city walls turning to the south and curving towards the slopes of the mountain of Sepet. The location of the theatre near the area where the western necropolis of the city begins is considered to be Lycian feature. According to inscription in Phaselis, Tyindaris had the theatre built in honour of Emperor Hadrianus. Therefore it dates to the first half of the 2nd century. The heavy damage inflicted on the remaining sections of the theatre is related to the devastating earthquakes and the activity of melting to the blocks in the limekilns to provide building material in the Byzantine.

Olympos beach

This is the Olympos beach, the sea is really clean and not so wavy. This place is really great for camping. People are coming to here for stay the night there. I was regret that we could not stay all night there.




I hope you like my post. Please stay tuned for more. Thanks for reading.


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