This Is What A Traditional Wet Market in Beijing Looks Like!

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I made this video to help me practice my video editing skills. I'm always looking to improve them so I would appreciate any comments regarding the video production!

Wet Markets in Beijing

I had a bunch of footage from Beijing featuring a trip I made with some friends to a local Beijing wet market.

Wet markets in China vary in size but you can expect to find similar goods there. You'll find vegetables, fruits, fresh meat and seafood, as well as other commodities like spices, noodles and cooking ingredients.

Fresh Spices and Chilies!




The sanitation level also varies across markets in China. Some look dirty and unappetizing, while others look clean, fresh and inviting. This one isn't the best wet market I have seen that's for sure. I'd say mediocre for China. The produce and seafood didn't look too fresh, but it was clean enough that you probably won't get sick if you ate something from there. We bought some fish and chicken wings.

Coca Cola Chicken Wings Anyone?!


Fresh Beef


In a lot of these markets, the meat is not always refrigerated. Vendors often just leave them on the table so that customers can see which cut they want and purchase it. It may makes some people in developed countries feel queasy, but it honestly isn't that bad.

I have lived in China for 3 years and I have never gotten food poisoning here! You should really just use common sense. If the places stinks really bad, don't buy from there. If the meat looks aged and old, avoid it. Don't eat in dirty restaurants and eat in restaurants that have several customers already. If you just follow some basic guidelines, I don't think you will get sick easily here.

That's all for now!

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